Indo board

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  1. Jared says:

    Nice balancing!

  2. Joshua says:

    i wondering where get that info boards? i notice a lot clowns trainings have it. plus i wish i can go to surf i used to interesting in surf stuff…………. but sad thing i am not close coast and high wave enough. i am from South Carolina NONE them i see who have surfer mostly heard from west coast not east coast. that’s suck. but i will like get indo board get me practice NEVER KNOW one day i go to West Coast for surf who know? lol. i glad u show on vlog it’s cool get idea how to get work on balance skills and stuff. WOW………. i wondering why dont’ u get LONG board with BIG wheels???? maybe big diffcult get ur BIG SKILL?! hahhahaahahaha just kidding.

    Joshua Womick