My daughter, Renny’s 1st day at school

Go to YouTube (ASL+OC VLOG)


  1. David says:

    She is adorable! I hope she had fun day! This week hot here too (Seattle).

  2. daphne says:

    So sweet! It was very poignant when she ran into the classroom by herself…it’s our proudest moment – and our saddest. To be good parents we have to ready them for the very thing we don’t want – for them to leave us.

    Very sweet video. I hope she had a great day.

  3. Christie says:

    She’s adorable, is your daughter deaf or hearing? I’m an educational interpreter, so I love working with Children.

  4. Jon Savage says:


    She’s CODA.. Also, she is top student in her class. She love read books and storytelling.