What would the deaf community desire?

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  1. Simple but powerful message!

  2. Brance Long says:

    Awesome and very true!

  3. I love your creativity. Thanks! We need to keep on educating people about ASL.

  4. Toby Welch says:

    Very simple message and its own speaks for ASL!

  5. Mookie says:


    I am the film enthusiast especially university film projects and E-videos just like from your Vlog. I perceive audism speech language, ASL for Deaf Culture and Simm Comm in gray-area, e.g., I. Jordan King’s and Jane K. Fernandes’s preference communication method. However, I am missing something like powerful message. Is the mixed beverage in the middle glass very ugly color, or any person refuses to accept the mixed drink like Simm Comm? I thought that I as the ASL conversationalist love Zombie as the mixed alcoholic drink…..

    Maybe I am confused….I need some drink to clear up this matter.

  6. George'71 says:

    Great, I like yours. It make the people think what it is about. ASL is the top of all. Good work.

  7. Jean Boutcher says:

    Mind-blowing away!

  8. Jay Levine says:

    nevermind.. after i send my comment… it finally show up….

    my comment to this is

    WOW… very true….

  9. hey says:

    what about GAY issues ?

  10. Joey Baer says:

    In my perspective, speech dominate ASL because when you mix both, we are not able to see through the message!

    You really motivate me to come up with some creative videos! Keep up GREAT job, Jon!!!


  11. MikeS says:

    Don’t do drugs, kids.

  12. Somebody in Space says:

    Cool Creativity but what’s this supposed to insinuate? Others think it’s because ASL is top of all and king.

    I beg to differ.

    While ASL is perfectly cool to be used with deaf people… speech is naturally (duh!) used with hearing people.. What’s the point? 🙂

    It is hard to do simultaneous communication anyway heh.

  13. DE says:


  14. debby says:

    Your idea is educating. No one can see ASL from a glass of mixed communications between two different kind of communications.

  15. MikeS says:

    Jon, what messages are ya trying to convey? I watched it again, hmm (hand on chin). I have a different perspective than others, but I’ll hold it. 🙂

  16. Franceli says:

    Wow. It’s true. I like ur message!

  17. Guy says:

    i dont understand on video no asl on just wine glass nothing show .
    but i real want your comunication oin asl look better .
    but i am not compalin . but i cant undy that on video that all .

  18. gabe says:

    it was great meeting you over nye’s… i absolutely loved your ‘asl’ version of the ‘voodoo’ d—-. guess there are awfully too many ‘deaf’ vlog/blogs out there that i can’t even keep track of!

    stay true to your pure visual pieces…

  19. I can make a parody of this using a blender. “Will it blend?”

  20. Joey Baer says:

    Richard –

    Yes it can blend easily but it will be very blurry!


  21. Deb Ann says:

    wow! Perfect example! many thanks! I checked it from Carl’s blog you left the comment!

  22. Deb Ann says:

    Wow! Perfect example! I checked it from Carl’s blog you left the comment! Beautiful!
    Now I got to share it with you from my blog (smile)…It is similar about ASL and the candle. I will leave it in the next comment.

  23. CJ says:

    WoW..good one!

  24. HoeyHemp says:

    Fawkin “A” strong messages, thats for real

  25. […] #12 12/5/06, First Vlog without use ASL or face! […]

  26. […] have receive email from Frank Germinaro Jr. that he would like to use my metaphor on this clip “What would the deaf community desire?” for his project of M.A.T. ASL/English Bilingual Deaf Education at Gallaudet […]