(ASL VLOG) answer to question on Re:Perspective on “What would the deaf community desire?”

“Americah” asked question about perspective on “What would the deaf community desire?”

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Here, my answer for him.

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  1. Amy Cohen Efron says:

    Wow! Great job embedding BOTH vlogs in one page! Very happy to see this happening!

  2. Hey, one more thing — many Deaf people can speak and hear a little. Deafness means any degree of hearing loss.

    The term, hard of hearing, was coined not a long time ago. It created a division amongst the Deaf people.

    You’re right, these Deaf people can speak and hear — good for them! But there is NO need to divide ourselves by labelling different names like HoH, latened Deaf, and so on. We need to acknowledge and respect an individual at its best regardless the degree of hearing loss.


  3. Toby says:

    Very clearly! Yes, I agree with you.


  4. Billy says:

    Glad this guy brought up that question about HoH. You did a fine job in replying. In fact, I don’t give a whirl when a deaf people say I cannot label or say that I’m HoH. They say or label me Deaf. But the problem is. Deaf or Hearing people ask me, “how deaf are you?” In other words in what degree of hearing do I have or my speech is well or not? That’s why I use the word HoH to simplify it and self explanatory. I highly doubt it created a division. I would be wrong unless there’s facts of reason.

    I think I said enough. =-] Besides, well honest and good reply.


  5. Tiffany says:

    Hey Jon,
    Hello! My name is Tiffany.. I was born hearing..When I was 2 or 3 years old I become deaf. I use sign language is see2.. but I like ASL..But, I’m have hard time to sign language for mix.. I have one friend who are hard of hearing.. I just understand what u are says about this ur own video. I’m appreciation that u’re great deaf person this special real world. But, I know you not understand my grammer into a english.Because of I grew bein deaf and I was only one deaf into my hearing family..I teaching my step sister,Ashley for 15 years..My step sister is not really skill sign langauge.. That’s all what i should to says from now.. I like ur video how u action and view,too. I’m proud of u smile!
    -Tiffany W.

  6. Joshua says:

    well tell ya with my opinon really Hard-Hearing really not name it but it’s more like 2 PATH of deaf and hearing world some them rather to be HEARING or rather to be proud deaf. hard-hearing sound too mixed to me as mixed 2 world path. so if people who are hard-hearing they must choice which one rather path as deaf world or hearing world? one my old classmate he complain that he THINK hearing is better than deaf i told him why he is in deaf school then? he said cuz he is hard-hearing i told him if he rather to be HEARING world then otu of the deaf school campus. i HATE see hard-hearing always complain ANYONE SHOULD oral and stuff i told them we have right to choice if we want or not that’s it! no one can control us at all! by the way someone guy have good quesiton so that’s my opinion if hard-hearing they have to choice which one they want go deaf world or hearing that’s it.

    Joshua Womick