Iraq war protesters hit San Diego (ASL VLOG)

Matt Ellis, Crystal Finley, and I joined Iraq war protesters at downtown streets of San Diego on Jan. 27th, 2007.

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  1. tayler says:

    Good to see deaf people aren’t the only ones out there on the streets protestin’. 🙂 Hah.

  2. Jenn says:

    Thanks for sharing this!!!

  3. Gary Brooks says:

    We need to bring all the troops back home now!!! Bush is the world idiot! I never liked him since day one! I can’t wait for him to leave the White House! I am voting for Hilary Clinton as our first woman President of United States!!!! She will pull all divesity together to make this world a better place! Shame on you Bush! you are liar that Iraq had WMD! you lied! you killed a lot young boys and girls at that stupid war! I can’t wait for your last day and we will kick your butt to Iraq and see how he feel! I pray that Hilary Clinton and Al Gore will team up to do something about Global Warming! But I am soooo proud of you all going to that protest!!
    Gary Brooks

  4. IamMine says:

    Wow – glad that some deafies joined the protest! 🙂

    I really liked how you put feelings into “join!!” with effects!! Brilliant!

    Yes, Bush acknowledged that the country was divided, but that he IS the decision maker and believes that this strategy will work.

    *laughs so hard*

    Divided? More like overwhelming 3/4th of the country!!!

    I’m not sure about Hillary yet… I sure don’t want to vote for republican and NOT for John McClain! Not with his lack of involvement with the BoT with Gallaudet.

    But Rudy? I know he’s a republican, but he was able to pull everyone together after 9/11 and rebuked anyone who dared to gauge the gas prices. People listened to him!

    Hilary, I’m just not too sure. I’m all for female and diversity – but I don’t think she has proven for the diversity, though – other than her being a female.

    Back to Iraq war – BRING THEM HOME!!!!!

  5. Dianrez says:

    Sounds as if you folks happened on the demonstration and jumped in as a lark, without deep consideration of the cause. These people are demonstrating for peace and for war in Iraq to stop. They’re serious, not just out for the nice day.
    While it is good that Deaf join Hearing to show spirit for the good of all, one should do so with understanding of what it means to go public and expose one’s beliefs to the world, and try to change the course of our government.
    The lesson we learned from the Gallaudet protesters is that we can indeed change things. Go and change the world for peace!

  6. Picard90 says:


    For starters, as a serious student of military history and strategy, I agree with Bush with the necessity of sending 20,000 troops for a specific mission. I know that liberals like you and everybody here probably refuse to acknowledge that 80% of sectarian violence actually takes within Baghdad and her suburbs. 20,000 troops sent are given a mission, to eliminate all militants and insurgents with Iraqi assistance. If Baghdad can be pacified, then it may be good for the entire country.

    Already today, in news, 300 militants and insurgents were killed in a fierce battle with the US and Iraqi troops. Al-Makili (Iraqi president for those who don’t keep track of news) is cracking down hard on Sadr (again, look him up) and infamous ‘Sadr’s City.’ 20,000 troops are only there for a SPECIFIC mission, it is not an open-ended commitment.

    In short, 20,000 troops is the last desperate measure to produce some measurable successes. Nevertheless, many suspect it is the only beginning of the end for the US presence in Iraq. But Bush will not bring all of the troops back hom until perhaps 2008, just before a new president is sworn in. He will not allow the next president to make major decisions on what to do with troops, neither will he allow the current Democratic Congress to take unconstitutional measures sidestepping his power as Commander-in-Chief.

    Moreover, don’t forget about a potential conflict with Iran. We may need those troops to keep the lid on tightly in Iraq, while we mount a major air strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities. Already, the tension is increasing after the US captured four Iranian agents responsible for stirring up trouble in Iraq. More evidence will come to light, and it may change the course taken in Middle East for better or worse. Any a serious student of military strategy will observe it is more and more likely a strike against Iran will probably occur this year or at least very early into 2008. Please note that no US troops will invade Iran, it won’t happen, so don’t worry about that, okay? Although, don’t be surprised if Special Forces are sent ahead in Iran to scout the targets and call in air strikes.

    In all, this is a smart move for Bush, if Pelosi and her goons try to challenge Bush, it may backfire on them. Why? While Americans may lose their faith in this war, but don’t be deceived by their lack of faithfulness, they will not be pleased to see Pelosi trying to force Bush’s hand and do something stupid like cutting off the funds for the US troops operating currently in Iraq. If Pelosi decides to make an end run around Bush, it will cost her dearly and for a brief moment, Bush might emerge a winner. Already, she can’t afford any more blunders after the debacle with Hoyer and bad selections for seating the chairperson of intelligence committee.

    In any case, I have lots of faith that this strategy will work successfully, because basically we don’t have any choice at all. The last thing we need is us criticizing the plan before it is initiated at all. Give the plan a chance and if it doesn’t work out, you’re free to raise the liberal flag and go for it.

  7. Jean Boutcher says:

    I was thrilled to see deaf people join an anti-war protest in San Diego! There was a very large demonstration in Los Angeles last Saturday.
    Also tens of thousands of protesters in a massive march on the Capitol in Washington, DC which I joined.

    We will have more rallies if Bush stubbornly sends 21,500 more troops.

    Jean Boutcher – Peace Activist

  8. Jia says:

    hey I had the same experience in the downtown of San Francisco 3 weeks ago as I was kinda puzzled when I got out of the subway from the SF airport. It was totally PACKED even I had a hard time to get through on several streets to hotel next to MacWorld conference. Yeah it’s time up to stop the war and our taxes $$$ have been f**king VACCUMMED!!! jeez… Good for you to get a feeling of it! 🙂