Can a deaf person deliver pizzas? (ASL VLOG)


  1. Jay says:

    Ha, enjoyed your vLog! You were too kind offering your boss TWO WEEKS trial, you deserve to be hired in ONE DAY!

    Did that compliment earn me that slice of pizza (not the one you are eating, please)

  2. Rob G. says:

    Ah, I had to laugh at the end of your vlog. I was a delivery driver for 7 years with Pizza Hut in KY. Our area had a few deaf. Your experience reminded me of a few others I had over the years. Screwball customers and funny pets sometimes made the deliveries interesting or not so interesting. I was often the only deaf driver on the eastern end of the city, which didn’t bother me. I created my own version of customer service. Lots more I could say, but I could go on for awhile.

  3. MikeS says:

    LOL, good story and ending point. Yes, you can eat pizza now.

  4. raychelle says:

    hahaha you’re FUNNY… 🙂 altho its unbelievable how they’d treat a delivery person – with their attitude and their lousy tipping. sigh. let’s have pizza delivered to us while we’re waiting for the next wave, eh? heh.

  5. Mishkazena says:

    That is a good tactic to convince a skeptical hearing boss to hire you, by giving you a two weeks trial period. The story of the deaf consumer is amusing.

    We have a good number of deaf pizza delivery people here in metro DC.

  6. Michele says:

    Your vlog left me laughing and hungry for a pizza already!! We have a few deaf people working at Dominos Pizza. When my husband and I were feeling desperate for extra cash, I went over to Dominos to see if I could get a job delivering pizza, the manager was overeager to hire me. What an attitude he had! But I changed my mind and decided not to go for it.

  7. Dreq says:

    Yes, I was one of them, I worked for Domains Pizza at Washington, DC K St NE Unit that serving Gallaudet and Capital Hill. I was hired without problem. they did not asked me about deaf issues. Even this place has TTY that I take orders like everyone. Yes, deaf customers did not pay good tips. Employees at this place are trying to avoid Gallaudet. Outside of Gallaudet customers give good tips even it is not safe area. Gallaudet gave average of 50 cents and outside of Gallaudet, average of 3 dollars and at capitall hill area, around 5 dollars. it was in 1989 and 1990.

  8. I’ve been working inside making pizzas and delivery for about 10 years when I was young in Dallas, Texas. Its been such good experience for me.

    Now, my dad (deaf) work for pizzas as part time. Hehe…


  9. gnarlydorkette says:

    🙂 You know, deaf people are cheap. Why do you think we flock to wherever there are free food?

    Hope your pink eye goes away soon! It looks bad.

  10. Fred says:

    Your vlogs are entertaining as always, especially this one about your experience as a pizza delivery driver. Yeah, it is typical of deaf people to be lousy tippers….

    Keep up your good work as an ASL vlog entertainer!

  11. Lisa says:

    Yes, one of my deaf friend delivered pizzas for a while. My deaf husband used to deliver pizzas years ago in the evening when he was an instructor of the college for the Deaf.

    By the way, is your right eye ok?

  12. Forrest says:

    Very funny!

  13. Judge says:

    One deaf guy used to work for Dominos Pizza here and never had him delivered to my house back then. He worked for a year or so before he relocated for a better career.


  14. Jon Savage says:


    *Gasp* you noticed it! haha..

  15. Jean Boutcher says:

    You are so funny and amusing! I absolutely love your anecdote and shall share it with my friends!

  16. Joey Baer says:

    aha – you got me – I was going to ask how was the tip but you already said it! very amusing vlog as always!

  17. mcconnell says:


    I was a manager for Dominos Pizza. I also even delivered pizzas when I was Dominos Pizza delivery person when I was 19 years old. And there’s a story of where I had to deliver a pizza to a older (and ugly) lady who always wore dark negligee’ gown when she came to the door to collect the pizza. And tipped me $5 every time. So, when I got the address again, I gave it over to a newby driver.

  18. Garrett Bose says:

    Oh shit! I wanna do the pizza delivery! I should have tld them.. “Give it a try” Good idea.

  19. John says:

    I used to work at that K st Dominio Pizza back in 1989 deliverying pizza on bike and car. One evening on a 2 stop bike run, one was for Gallaudet then another somewhere on G st near union station? I got stabbed in arm (2) and (1) in chest. 5 black guys tried to rob me but failed. Miracle they let me go and rode bike back to store. Ended up going to Howard Hospital and of course never had any interpreter for me from 1030pm Friday night until they sew me up about 7am the next morning. Of course Gallaudet was the worst tippers sorry to say!

  20. Fookem says:

    LOL…good vlog! You make me feel hungry…damn you… 😉

  21. IamMine says:

    hehe – awesome vlog! 😀

    Pinky eye… was that a deaf pizza deliver’s way of tipping you?

    Maybe it was one of those former deaf clients getting revenge! 😉

    Great vlog – my brother has worked for Hungry Howie’s (pizza) since he was 14 and still the only job he’s holding now…but has moved up right under Vice President and he’s only 31.

    Anyway, I’ve tried asking him to hire me as a driver.

    Never thought of a trial… but I don’t want to do it anymore!

  22. Mookie says:

    I have too many stories on my pizza experience in three years.

    One night, I drove into the wealth residence for Papa John delivery order and saw the resident and Domino driver chatted in ASL. Huh, I was confused about that since I was at the right address. So…I brought the pizza to the HH customer and deaf female driver. I greeted in ASL, “Hello, thanks for calling Papa John Pizza”. Their jaws dropped all the way down….

    Naturally, some deaf customers always gave me lousy tips.

    Jon, tell me about your horrible experience when you use the intercom at the Condo/Apt door. All I did was singing “Oh, Papa Pizza” as a opera singer. I always watched the customers’ facial expressions.

  23. Dennis Smith of Houston, Tx says:

    I Dennis Smith of Houston, Tx wish to let you know that I love to be a good tipper anywhere because I am proud of myself as a deaf person giving a good example to hearing waitresses and deliverers. Out of my good heart I want to see them to feel good and appreciated. And I would give generous tips to deaf waitresses and deliverers. Period!!!

  24. Maria says:

    Sooo funny – lol. I am a hearing person with deaf parents and can totally understand your desire to find employment in the very competitive hearing world. I think that’s it wonderful you have not allowed the hearing world to hold you back!! Way to go!!! And as for the pizza delivery – I always tip at least $3 hoping that would at least cover their gas to bring it to me. – so yes – you can eat your pizza now. enjoy!

  25. Adam says:

    That was a great story.

    I’ve had a friend who worked for Pizza Hut. However, he did not deliver a single pizza in his 3-year tenure with Pizza Hut which disappointed me because I believe that deaf people can do it.

    That’s good to know that you have showed everyone that a deaf delivery boy can do it.

    I agree about tips. Whenever I’m in a deaf group at a restaurant, I would encourage them to tip more and better.

    Again, thanks for the great story! Adam

  26. Jennifer Reynolds, (Former San Diegan) says:

    That was a fabulous story..

    I’ve had a friend who is still working for domino’s Pizza in Miami, Florida. He told me few stories based on his experinces while he delievered the pizza to the hearing customers. One of his customer felt awkward to know that he was actually a ‘ deaf pizza delievery person’. He said it is good experince because his customer asked him “how can u drive with out hear any noises in the background”? He said it is simple answer? I have eyes to see. A customer felt fool and realized that we are mutual in many ways.

    It is good to know that we have abilities is to educate hearing people in different places instead teach ASL at colleges, or Unviersities. There are so many advantages for us to teach/exposure our deaf culture to our work, friends, or to the strangers.

    Hey, I’ve looked through your Vlog’s and it came out really awesome.. Keep it up 🙂

  27. RLM says:

    I once employed as a pizza delivery person for the Domino Pizza on K Street after the disastarous fisaco with the Gallaudet Career Center\’s summer employment slot assignment. That was the Summer 1989.

    I had to take the pizza delivery person employment as a LAST RESORT. I wanted to be in the Washington, DC area when the Deaf Way I (First) took the place.

    I never got any problem of being hired as a pizza delivery person. I had numerous interesting experiences when delivered pizzas to various socioeconomic segements – impovershed area like low-income housings (HUD) and well-off houses.

    I got good tip money from real poor people as compared to finanically well-off people (no tip or just leftover monetary change – coins).

    I often told poor people that were not necessary to tip me. One elderly impoversihed African American refused to hear about not tipping me. She gave me $10 dollar in tip money. I did not forget her generosity. Every time, I drive past her place and give her free pizzas from time to time which nobody come to pick up pizzas or wrong orders.

    I DELIVERED pizzas to Linda Jordan, wife of IKJ (Iriving King Jordan) during the Summer 1989. Guess what? Linda made the replusive comment to me – \”I never know that deaf people could work as a pizza delivery person!\” I replied \”Why not\”. She turned paternalistic toward me – \’You know ….\”
    Linda Jordan did not tip me at all.

    Every orders from the Gallaudet University, I always find the way to avoid delivering pizzas to Gally students or faculty members because of my own PRIDE being employed as a pizza delivery person.

    Several times, I had to deliver pizzas as the parlor manager ordered me. I always managed to get tips from Gally summer students or faculty members by bluntly remind about the importance of showing appreciation for speedier pizza deliver when they were still hot, etc. Or I would stand more few minutes and wait on people to tip me.

    I need the tip money to pay for gas and other auto expense, etc.

    I did encounter some unpleasant experience like several guys pulled their trousers or groped me inapporiately. Two ladies exposed their breasts to me.

    Another incident at the U.S. Marine Barrack on the Eighth Street and L Street, SE. That heavy raining soaked on me and pizza protective cover boxes.

    i was allowed to get in the heavy security perimeter and delivered pizzas to handful of Marines at one of the barrack. I did not expect several Marine guys grabbed my buttock and kissed my lips. I was kinda dumbfounded about their approach since they were in the military.

    I quitted when the summer was all over. I made pretty good dough over $4,000 in just three months.

    Robert L. Mason (RLM)

  28. darrell says:

    oh, i am so proud of you! it shows that deaf person can do! sometime deaf can work even better than hearing person but not always,ha. take care, darrell

  29. Tad Keller says:

    good one! same me I used work “NoID” DominoooPIZaa it was fun work as delivery.

    btw, sorry they gave you bad tips. ACCEPT its ur JOB same to me sometime. ACCEPT!

    Tad (Joe Mama Keller’s long time friend)

  30. Lantana says:

    This is all good news to me! How come it is not more widely known? The only drawback I can see is our poor balance. If I tried to deliver pizza at night I would fall on my face!

    Thanks for the entertainment.

  31. Debbie says:

    I used to work at Domino Pizza years ago, I took order from phone and deliver pizzas. I’m hard of hearing with hearing aids and they put amplify phone on the phone. Kinda like black one that you could slip it on the phone only when I use it. I had that job for two years.

  32. mcconnell says:

    Debbie, same thing for me except no phone amplifier while I was a driver and years later decided to try being a manager of a Dominos Pizza store. Actually I had the opportunity to manage 3 different stores. Thank gawd I got out of that business when it was time to get my M.S. degree.

  33. deafawe says:

    Great story. When I was a student at Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf (SWCID) in Texas, there are 3 Deaf pizza delivery drivers at that time. One work for Pizza Hut, another works for Domino’s and the third for Little Caesar’s. Whoa!! What a competition that town has!

  34. Ella Lentz says:

    Hey Jon,
    another great story by you! Thanks. It’s a first for me realizing there are that many Deaf pizza delivery guys.
    as for Deaf tippers….I believe tipping is very cultural and experience related. For example, many young hearing people work as waiters, delivery guys, hotel attendants..all tip dependent jobs…and they and their friends and families realize that giving tips do make differences so they carry on to other young kids to support them better. For a group of people who do not experience jobs that depend on tips (for examples, rich folks or Deaf people)…they are kind of at loss not comprehending what is involved in tipping and feel tipping is a rip off on them so they may resist it. Only thing I believe we can become “better tippers” is to be more aware of their lives and jobs, even tho we hardly have that kind of jobs… My experience tells me that once a Deaf person realizes how those people depend on tips, they can gtive good tips! (I do try…even tho sometimes I am not sure what is appropriate amount for certain situations….I try to learn as much as possible tho.

  35. Cheri says:

    Hi I know I have seen alot of jobs that many supervisors or bosses that have many skeptical with deaf doing some jobs like delivery pizzas or something that they think deaf can’t. Well here I am hard of hearing/deaf working as a bartender/waiteress for past 4 years. Believe me it’s not easy job but the more I get to know all the people that comes here often and they get use to me. I do have some good days and some bad days. I don’t see very much deaf people around here just few.

  36. Andrea says:

    this brought me back to one night many years ago when I was with my friend at the bar at one deaf convention. My friend, an expert lipreader, lipreaded one of the waitresses at the bar who said: “Deaf people are nice, but they don’t tip.” Ouch!

  37. shella williams says:

    it was sound great idea for the deaf pple who work for deliver pizza it’ll help alot deaf pple better then hearing pple smile!

  38. Jodi says:

    That was a good one !!!! I also worked in a pizza joint years ago it was probably the most enjoyable job I ever had !!!!
    Kudos to u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. Tamara says:

    What a hilarious Vlog! I’ve enjoyed so much reading your Vlogs/Blogs. So sorry about your pink eye. Hope you enjoyed your pizza.

  40. Colin says:

    Hahah! good one!

    My boss suggested that I share your vlog with our deaf students at Calif school f/t Deaf in Fremont and empower them to do the same (convince the employers that they can do the job). I think it’s a good idea…so thanks for sharing your employment experience!

  41. Jac says:

    Good one! I used to be a delivery driver for Pizza Hut for less than a year before I went back to the college that time. There were 4 of us were deaf drivers, too. Then I used to cook for pizza. I had some good experince. I still miss one thing was eating pizza for a free! LOL
    Thanks for sharing this with all of us.

  42. sarah says:

    I used to worked domino’s pizza for 4 years, as pizzamaker but few deafies used to work as pizza deliver. They(boss) didn’t ask deafies how they can commication Boss just hired them as pizza deliver. and You are right whoever order themself deaf didnt give good tip to hearing or deaf pizza delivery that s sad…. from michgian

  43. bruce says:

    hello , yeah i have been working at the pizza hut for 5 yrs and yeah i have notice that when i delivery to the deaf people and they didnt give us a good tips.oh shoot what a shame !
    oh one thing about how they feels about hring deaf people to work at the pizza delivery but there is nothing wrong as long if they can understand each other . if not then thats plms but there is a way to solve the plms .good luck to all deafies to get that job at the pizza dilvery .

  44. Rick says:

    I loved delivering pizza back in the old days when I was at RIT/NTID. I delivered for Pudgie’s Pizza, not sure if they are still there or not. Anyway, I agree – Deaf people were the WORSE tippers!! Many times, no tips at all. When we got a call to deliver to Tower A or anywhere on campus, most of the delivery guys tried to avoid taking the delivery because it was always guaranteed to be a low tip or no tip.

  45. Daniel K. says:

    I have more than six years of pizza delivery employment service at Domino Pizza. I have no complaint with customers no matter how good I speak. I advised my managers at various Domino Pizza locations how to communicate with Deaf customers over the phone. Use the Relay Service and call the operator to dial the deaf customer’s phone number if the order is getting messed up. My managers cordially care of deaf customers. They hired two other deaf applicants as Pizza Delivery Men as well.

  46. Deanna Taylor says:

    Hello Jio,
    My son Gary Taylor is deaf that he worked Pizza deleviry for 8 years in Florida City, Florida. He like to work very much and earned good pay! I am proud of him, what he can work and be happy himself.


  47. debbie mcewan says:

    thats a good one……. i am deaf.. i work… and met someone that try to sell abc card… to people at the parking lot….. and came to me.. and try to sell to me…… i signed “why dont you work?” she was shocked…..

  48. Laura =^^= says:

    Ha, ha. Way to go, Jon! Deaf people deserve various of jobs as they desire to work. I used to work for Pizza Pit and Rocky Rococo for several years in my past year. Boy, I had so much of odd experience while delivering pizzas. For example, one pizza needs to be delivered to that place. That place happened to have full of strippers!!! Oh boy…

  49. Bob & Laura says:

    gosh!!! you are soo funny!!! we loved your story. We agreed with you about the tips. We have heard so much that so many don’t give tips. Thanks for good laughs.

  50. Chocoate says:

    Yes, My children”s deaf father did work for four years in Charlotte, N.C. He got alot of good tip. O F C, Anyone can work at any job. Thanks for sharing the news with me.