Gallaudet and me (ASL Vlog)

I would like to share my thoughts with you about Gallaudet from 1987 to 2007, 20 years. I will visit Gallaudet this weekend for the FIRST TIME!


  1. Wow, what an awesome memorial!
    an awesome observation of deaf blog/vlog world!


  2. JohnABC says:


  3. MikeS says:

    Cool vlog. I like your honesty, not follow others’ expectations. You are your own person. Have a great weekend there! Share with us when you come back of what you think.

  4. todos la vie says:

    Hey Jon,
    Who said you were a small D? What a label. What do they know?
    You won’t be able to get the gist of Gallaudet for just the weekend, but if you go to a sports or greek event, you might get a “taste”. Compared to 1987 and now, things there have changed in artchitecture and people, but the intelligence and the “moving forward” would inspire you. Good Luck 🙂 Please come back and share your experience.

  5. Lois Grizzard says:

    Congrats! Wish I were young again! Good luck!

  6. Mishkazena says:

    Have a great blast at Gallauddet! It’ll definitely be memorable and you won’t regret going there! 🙂

  7. Michele says:

    Yeah! I remember when I was a junior in high school, mind you it is obviously that I am much older than you, anyway Tom Holcomb came as a recruiter for Galladuet. I was in “love with him” as he was so handsome and appealing as a Deaf man. He also showed us a beautiful movie about Gallaudet (where is that movie now??) and that day I was convinced that I would go to Gallaudet. Later on I went to deaf club, I met many people who said so many negative things about Gallaudet that I became too scared and did not want to go there. I went to a different college. Then on a spring break from college, my friend and I took a trip to Gallaudet for the first time to see what it was like. I immediately fell in love with Gallaudet, we even took night walks in Washington D.C., From there, I wanted to enroll in Gallaudet but then when I came back to my college, I changed my mind and decided to go to NTID/RIT. I graduated from there. I moved to Virginia and met my husband and I wanted to go to Gallaudet. FINALLY, I got the chance to enroll in Gallaudet as a graduate student. I love Gallaudet so much that I regret not going there during my undergraduate time. I don’t know why I had so much hesistation in going to Gallaudet for some reason. I understand you Jon and I know you will fall in love with Gallaudet and Washington DC. Don’t let the outside appearance fool you, it may be shocking to an outsider but once you get to know Gallaudet and Washington DC, there is so much to admire and to be in awe. Good luck with your journey to Gallaudet! 🙂

  8. ToddE says:

    Sorry to see you ‘missing’ out of the Gallaudet experience. I have no doubt to believe you would have loved it there and excelled there back then. Admittedly, I thought you already went to Gallaudet and graduated from there!

    At any rate, enjoy your visit to Deaf mecca, and enjoy meeting people coming from that vibrant and wonderful community we all often call our ‘home’.

  9. Jay says:

    Your message aside for one sec — your vLog work CHAMPS! You held me by my nose. Great work!

    Now your message — Fully understood! You need to experience things for yourself, and come with your own conclusions, from your own experience up front. Yes, a weekend may not speak volumes on what Gallaudet is all about. The students there are young, from newly graduates from HS up to older students and graduate students. Their activities and their ideas of fun ranges big time too. Its that there are plenty of options. Be sure to absorb all the historical energy from these old buildings, statues, etc. Be sure to go to visit the gates where all the arrests occured, and MSSD gate where students were bulldozed off. Theyre probably nothing to see, but step back and imagine history created at these places.

    PLEEEEZ share with us your experiences upon your return. You can skip the number of beers you had from the new Rathskeller. Grins.

  10. White Ghost says:

    I love your vlog!. Powerful expression. Wonderful “human” in the background.

    Please be yourself. 20 years is a big difference. Make sure to feed us what the Gallaudet campus changes. I can imagine that there are many new and old buildings along with the ODD names.

    I think you should see some pictures of yourself between 1987 and present.

    Don’t forget to give us the status when you return home.

    Long Live Gallaudet!

    White Ghost

  11. Judge says:

    Wonderful. Curious what’s the original plan of your going to Gallaudet this weekend?

    To see the traditional of Gallaudet (like Notre Dame’s famed history of football) campus?

    Try to meet the students who protested in past year. Learn their struggles. See if they get along with all diversity of people? etc. etc.

    ENJOY the trip!

  12. David Kerr says:

    You are cool! I love your creative film as well as your straightforward comments. Have fun at Gally this weekend


  13. - Ron - says:

    Welcome to our Gallaudet Community and hope you will feel like you are at home when you visit Gallaudet University. Your vlog is really awesome and keep up with your creative work! – Ron,

  14. sergio carrillo says:

    Yeah, me too because my family went to Galladuet. so, they told me I can go to there but I not yet decide.
    I went to there for tournament wrestling during I was wrestler in Maryland that time I went to there with my coach and wrestlers. Galladuet is so beautiful of campus.
    thank you for your read

  15. Toby Welch says:

    Wow! Good vlog! I miss Gallaudet time in 1989-1990. I wish I could stay and finish it. I would love to go back to visit. Go and have fun there! Pls do share with us your experience there! If you don’t, we will send secret spy to grab you and force you do the vlog! Ha!

  16. IamMine says:


    Awesome vlog as always, Jon!

    I, too, wondered about Gallaudet like you…I narrowed down to two choices – NTID or Gallaudet during my last few years of high school.

    Picked NTID.

    I touched Gallaudet once during my senior year for a weekend in 1990. I was scared – culture shock, you know. 🙂

    But phheeww…. the atmosphere back then was really incredible for me to absorb. Very strong deaf vibe in the air!!! There wasn’t much of that back home and school if you know what I mean. It was so strong that it actually muted my hands but I was in such awe of deaf people everywhere and all over places!

    I imagine it’s the same now – or even stronger!

    And I’m ecstatic about your Gallaudet Visit vlog next week!

    Enjoy yourself!!

  17. Jana says:

    My message.. never too late to change our perspective about what we see and learn. We learn everyday. Our perspective changes. I wish you a safe trip to Gallaudet and back in one piece. Be sure and share with us what you see about Gallaudet. A former Alumni of Gallaudet.

  18. kira says:

    share with us after ur visit there 🙂

  19. Nick Vera says:

    Hey Jon,

    GREAT! You better grab your opportunity to set your foot on Gallaudet ground. From what I view your vlog, it reflected me. The stories about Gallaudet University was influenced me through the deaf role models at CSDR. I never had chance to go there when I was young back then. We have the same boat.
    Less than 20 years, I decided to attend NTID/RIT to pursue my public relations and enrolled in late summer 1999. I thought I would stay through NTID/RIT years. Technology education enabled my wealth and personal growth through most wonderful teachers and the academic counselor. Then my English struggled through the difficult times and Instructors were very strict and refused to provide a feeding spoon. Disappointing enough, I decided to transfer to Gallaudet University. My passion was very abmination (sp error) to climb my highest goal to receive the bachleor’s degree in Communication Studies. I applied and got the acceptance letter from the admission office at Gallaudet.
    During the summer, I was nervous about leaving Rochester, NY to Washington, DC.
    When I entered Gallaudet University during New Student Oriention, I suddenly got homesick and lovesick of NTID. In a week later, I decided to leave Gallaudet for good and return to Rochester. My academic counselor at NTID strongly encouraged me to stay on the campus. “Time will be fast”, she said. FUTURE was my highest goal to graduate and set my professional career afterwards. When time processed, I realized I got rid of bad vibes and thought my positive attidute by great social life on the campus. Personal growth enabled my blessing and happiness. In fact, I was very motivated and was very committed to study my education and managed my time effort to meet wonderful friends.
    I graduated in May 2006 and saw TOWER CLOCK with golden light. I suddenly LOVE GALLAUDET.In fact, I thanked Gallaudet for providing me everything especially my favorite counselor at NTID and Gallaudet.
    Most important thing is to allow yourself to breakthrough your sucess and endeavor if you desire to enroll Gallaudet. Wish you the best luck. Nick

  20. Teri says:

    Hey Jon,

    Cool video clip!

    Too bad, you will miss the famous monthly get-together event, DPHH in DC. It tends to be held on the first Friday of every month. You would have a blast going there — being recognized as one of the most popular vloggers.

    I reckon they will host a special party for you! Have fun!

    One more thing . . . be sure you visit some museums. I sure miss them so much — when I used to live in the metro DC.

    Have a safe trip!


  21. Joshua says:

    oh no! You make my hair all my body freak out as u doing GREAT WITH VLOGS make me impressing! i wish i can join with u same i feel ur way i know gallaudet U. i don’t want join them. till i just join i feel so fool myself same feel ur idea past DOWN and NEW IS UP I HONOR AND RESPECT Gallaudet for the REASON OF BEST! SAVE ASL AND DEAF EDUCATIONS! oh gosh u make me so impressing ur vlogs i like that way u doing with vlogs change and slow sign and emotions. i feel like AWOKE UP!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE U WILL LEARN A LOT STUFF AT THIS WEEKEND! KEEP UP WITH VLOGS AND US LEARN NEWS FROM U! 😀 i look foward ur new vlogs about GALLAUDET! oh yes i did went Galaudet last spring break not this year i mean 2006 because i went with my group of school go to Close Up. oh no i went visit Gallaudet SHOW US AND HEARING KIDS JOIN WITH US LEARN ABOUT DEAF CIVIL RIGHT AND MANY GOOD REASON. i never imagine what 1988 happened look like till i saw one man show us video what’s happened I WAS SHOCKED I CAN’T EVER IMAGINE it’s look like BATTLE AND WAR! AS FIGHING AS LOOK LIKE IRAQ! gosh! i can’t forget what it’s look like! i mean it’s storm my mind as GET MY MIND AWOKE UP! i feel so honor to GALLAUDET WHAT IT’S MEANING TO FOR US DEAF AND HARD-HEARING! keep up with ur vlogs!

    Joshua Womick

  22. debby says:

    I did not go to Gallaudet until 35 years later. 2005 was not really excellent best year but wonderful experiences until protesters started, wish I was there when it happened…Proud of them anyway. Good Luck!

  23. Forrest Smith says:

    Thumb Up!

  24. chevyl says:

    For goodness sakes, all the students wanted was a deaf president for the university – that shouldn’t be too much to ask

  25. Dustin says:

    Hey, I’ll be visitng Gallaudet due to Open House this weekend, maybe I’ll run into you. haha.

  26. AIR says:

    Wow!!! Thanks so much for sharing your experience on your own vlog! It was all ikj’s fault that he did made the Gallaudet students low self esteem! Now it’s time for Gallaudet to FOCUS on improving better Deaf Education and jobs for the Deaf!


  27. Susan says:

    look forward to your thoughts on Gallaudet when you get back.

    amazing vlog by the way! like the way you presented it 🙂

  28. Roger Kraft says:

    Great Vlog! Looking forward to your comments after this weekend!

    Gally will always be dear to my heart, and why not? It’s where I found my identity as a Deaf person (even after attending Md SD for 13 years!); where I realized my leadership potential; where I found lifelong friends; and where I found my beautiful (both inside and outside) wife Christine Multra Kraft! Like any institution, Gally will have its flaws but I can’t ever turn my back on the University after it gave me so much. Hope you get to meet some interesting people and get a taste of what its all about!

  29. Jac says:

    I am sure you will enjoy Gallaudet so much, you will learn a lot of things there, it will give you a good experience! When you get back, please do vlogs with us what did you think , or learn, also share some shoots (pix) at Gally campus, I am curious to see how they look like as today.

    By the way, your vlog look GREAT job!

    So Long, Jon!

  30. G says:

    Wanted to bring something up and do not mean to disuade you on seeing Gallaudet. I certainly hope you enjoy yourself there! However, someone I spoke to who recently went to G and talked with old alumni who works there. Noticed culture change due to technology, namely SK3 and the like. I’m like what? explain. I was told, remember our time, many students walk thru mall, sidewalk and there was lots of foot traffic all the time, not just during class hours, but after. I’m like yeah. It’s still like that now isn’t it? I was told no. No more meet new friends that way. Everyone use sk or the likes. I’m like really?! that’s one deaf culture that is gone! how sad. I wonder what anyone has to say about this. It seems that the cuture on campus has changed over the years. I wonder if there are limited opportunities to make new friends compared to back then? I know some things have occurred that changed the campus but it seems that the one technology we all use now is the major culprit.

  31. Guy says:

    well i want say good luck to you for your 20 years at gally.

  32. Thomas says:


    Fantastic video! It sure has brought the true feelings you have felt for the past 20 years.

    Now, after your visit, you MUST do another one sharing your experience. Nothing like Deaf Mecca!

    Keep vlogging!

  33. Matt Jamison says:


    What an awesome video quality you created!!! CHAMP!!! What did you do to improve your video quality? Better videocamera? Different software? or what? Please email me.. what video camera and software you used to make this FANTASTIC video. Thanks!

    Matt Jamison

  34. sondra says:

    Marry me!? I love your VLOG!! Good face show your true feeling.. awwww! I love you! Good luck at Gallaudet this weekend!


  35. Georga says:

    Some great talents you have with these Vlogs! Awesome!! It’s never too late to attend Gallaudet.

  36. Bobby Lopez says:

    Hey Jon,
    you are RIGHT that my friends always to drop out of Gallaudet because They were party and wild too much so I was laugh at my friends stupid. I really cant go Gallaudet because I am dumb and not good education,sorry . sorry, I am very honest with you so I notice ex Gallaudet and ex frat always to snob too much and too clever EGO so I do not like that. but I wont to bother and respect them and their business none right. I do understand. excuse me, my wife is very high education more than me because my wife was grad in college UT and other two college. I did learn alot from my wife,wow. my wife really support to deaf and ASL and she already know ASL. she have many friends very high education from UT. sorry,I am very honest with you and not hide shy so I am not very good grammar,cool and I was grad in TSD. sorry,my wife is fully hearing. yes,she was college in party and wild 6th street, Austin Texas. Hey, you look my wife’s name Laura Lopez and comment that sicko. She was very interest about your vlog very great.
    Thank you,
    Bobby L.