Response to all commenter: Re: The Greatest Irony


  1. Lantana says:

    Very nice and I think I agree with you.

  2. Matt Jamison says:

    Haha.. about your 19999. Hey, who is perfect, anyway? By the way, I like your attitude toward cochlear implanted… reasonable. You sure a cool guy!

  3. Joshua says:

    oh i can’t agreed with u anymore! yes that’s true i like same ur idea. i am more not that kind ummmm what i look for word?…………. i mean as i am not try to be MORE BETTER WHO I AM THAN OTHER but i am not that kind. i just feel HUMAN as who we are and just be pride who we are. i dont’ care what people’s wanted. allllllllll i need to be happy life with ASL. ASL better than NOTHING. am i right?! yes good point vlog there! keep up with vlogs!

    Joshua Womick

  4. IamMine says:

    \m/ You rock, Jon! \m/


  5. kira says:

    hi, my husband just share with me abt his one friend who has coachler implant for years. so far his additude is same as before. now he less and less use ci..

  6. David Kerr says:

    Absolutely, I agree wtih your comment about people’s attitudes. Sometimes, people (in general) have changed their attitudes for better or for worse. Anyone who tries to control us for his or her benefit alone is horrible. I like your simple and clear explanation.


  7. Judge says:

    Yeah, I know someone who got it. Why? Because it is FREE to begin with. He didn’t realize the aftermath. He still has to pay replacement, etc etc.

    I don’t have a problem with those people who made their own decision *AND* maintain same attitude. ONLY problem I have is that the PARENTS decide for the child!!

  8. Toby Welch says:

    Jon, I agree with you 100000000%. Oops. Excuse me. You and I are same. Ha! Anyways, I agree with you about attitude to CI people. I have no problem with them. Good vlog!

  9. White Ghost says:

    I understand why you’re a good comedian!

    Of course, its’ the attitude problem with the CI people. For what’s based on the parents to teach CI children as an example. They are not changing their positions. It’s a part of their history. That is the problem.

    I have no problem with the CI people only if they are opening their minds.

    White Ghost

  10. Jessica says:

    I know maybe 3 or 4 people who have CI, I lost count because really, I don’t notice it that much about them. They don’t act any differently bec they have CI. Why some people think that getting CI will make them hearing overnight or something to that effect still puzzles me. Remember those days when we just had hearing aids? The one behind the ears. How did we act? How did they function? I would say not that much different. Just what is different is the technology itself. One is on the outside and the other is on the inside and maybe a bit more advanced, I dunno.

    Interesting, they rarely talk about it. When I first met them, they didn’t introduce themselves as “Joe and I have a CI”. It was just “Joe” or whatever name you want to plug in. Then we will start a conversation about something totally unrelated to CI. Later as I got to know them more, I would discover that they had one bec two had it hidden under their hair so not so obvious. The 3rd one was a guy and he always wore his hair short and he used it everyday so it was pretty obvious with him. But they were still Deaf to me. They still needed ASL to be a part of their lives. They still needed interpreting services and other accommodations. One can speak very well though as he grew up in a oral background and has a hearing wife and hearing children and works in a hearing environment. His wife still learned sign to communicate with him. I see her sometimes trying to get his attention and having to go up and tap on his shoulder. They know he is still Deaf. He learned ASL once he got out of school and embraced it as part of him. He decided to get one after he learned ASL anyway and he tells me that he is still Deaf no matter what.

    Nobody will even notice that the other two even has CI at all. They are so involved in the Deaf community and have very strong Deaf identities. They had their reasons for getting a CI.

    So CI didn’t really change them all that much as far as I can see.

  11. Jay says:

    Love that attitude! You will have zillions of friends that way.

  12. Ronda says:

    Far out about 199999999… Ha ha ha ha! 🙂 I agree with u 10000000000000000000000000000000%. I like that way of people have same attitude.
    Thanks!!!!! Deaf Power!

  13. Julie Rems-Smario says:

    BINGO!!!!!! It all boils down to the attitude–respect and tolerance.

    Beautifully ASLed


  14. Michele says:

    This is an interesting observation you brought up. Some kids are very excited to get braces, they show off, or other people who get plastic surgery like breast implants or nose job, tend to show off afterwards. So are we denying the CI people to show off because some deaf people may feel offended just like people who may have bad teeth and are in desparate need of braces or flat-chested women or people with bad noses. I think we have to be careful of how people will feel when we improve ourselves or alter ourselves.

  15. ljmsign says:

    Many things in life run parallel. CI in particular is only a magnetic with wires; it’s the person that wears it that matters. The persons’ identity, attitude, openmindedness, and reason all have a part. When I’ve heard about CI latlely it’s been sad regarding children and how THEY aren’t given a choice. How the numbers in Deaf schools are dropping.Hearing and codas are keeping the numbers up in schools. How much is there a need for the PARENTS to be educated with having choice for their children. The parents see the bright white coat of the Doctor and accept his word like gold…. Is that the future of CI?? Will children have a choice?? Think about it.