Back from Gallaudet (ASL VLOG)

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  1. SkyBlue says:

    Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to the rest!


  2. David Kerr says:

    Hi Lenois,

    Your introduction is excellent. I look forward to your comment about your visit in your next video clips.

    I am sad to know that part of Washington D.C. is not well. Your restaurant (thick glass) comment really surprised me. I was at Gally about 15 years ago as a student. It looks like Washington DC has been changed terribly. Most important of all is that I am glad that my old Gally is well and alive!

    I look forward to your motivating comments/video clips.


  3. Jay says:


    Welcome back home. When I was a student there in 1978, your observations were pretty much the same as mine; however, when I visited Gally couple times for my daughter and the Gally Protest, I have seen alot of improvements. The H street have transformed. I guess all “downtown” or “inner cities” have common issues as you described.

    Looking forward to look at Gally from your eyes in your next three vlogs!

  4. cheree Mull says:

    THAT IS wASH . D.C. !!!! I was a MSSD and Gallaudet University students there for 10 years .I know this city by heart ! I am telling u H street N.E. is a big changing . They cleaned up and the houses are reselling and more better people moved in. I was shocked !! H Street used to be a really bad place . I have been seeing lots of bums and homeless hanging out outside playing the card or drinking their boozes or poor people tried to sell the drugs … I had to walk thur the H street to get on subway . I never walked alone … I alway have a group of friends walking with me to anywhere i go . Georgetown is my favorite place . While I was MSSD student from 1978 to 1982, My friends and I used to go to under the bridge and partied there cuz of the river view .. it was nice scene.. when i was in college in 1982 to 1988, I hopped different bars that time the legal age for drinking was 18 yrs old !! I had lots of fun !!! Union Station was my favorite place too . We went to landover mall in md that time lots of white people and some black people going there but now it is alll black people and few white people shopped there … we went to Springfield Mall in Va. it was all white people and few blacks there at my time … I dont know about now ??? The thick glass windows between the customers and the cashiers were in any stores or fast restaurant is nothing new . It was there since my time .. I used to it … I enjoyed going to the MALL and it is beautiful there especially in springtime with dogwood tree blossomed . I rode in bike to anywhere in D.C. while i was in high school and the bike was stolen while i was at Gally bookstore on the campus !!!! Then I never bothered buying another bike cuz of transportations are very accessiable . I moved back to Pennsylvania because of my family living there and a job . I missed living in Wash. D.C. I alway go back for many visits . This city is never boring !!!

  5. Susan says:

    thank you Jon, I really enjoyed your Gallaudet experience! 🙂

    I often wondered what it’s like there, and it was very interesting from what you shared.

    Look forward to more of your Gallaudet vlogs.

  6. Judge says:

    Haha! Sounds like you haven’t been to the major cities.. In Manhattan (a stone throw away from here), it is pretty common to see fire trucks sirens, police sirens, ambulance sirens, etc etc. Everytime I went to the city, I always see ’em!

    One night when I was around 12 years old, my family went to the city for a dinner with family friends. When we were finished and took a walk around the block. Several fire trucks came to the block. We were wondered where the fire was?? There wasn’t one and it was false alarm. — A family friend joked, “No, they came here for a coffee break”

    The way you described about DC is pretty same as NYC!! Some areas you would see a thick glass on fast food service counters.

    Hope that you do not cease visiting DC, and other major cities in USA!! 😉

    Looking forward to seeing your vlogs about your trip! 😉

  7. Casper says:

    Wow! It brings memories when you talked about the thich glass at Subway and the sirens wailing through the street. That thick glass at Subway have saved lives believe it or not. I went to school at MSSD and Gallaudet. I lived on campus for about 10 years altogether. They had drive by shooting at the Subway twice that I remember clearly during my 10 years there. I was even there when a group of deafies got mugged and hit with a beer bottle on the head! Other time my roomate went to get me a sub late at night and he didn’t get back until 2 hours later. He was trapped inside Subway when a homeless man barged in with a small jar filled with gasoline and a lighter in the other hand threatning employees. My roomate couldn’t hear and didn’t know what the arguement was about. Probably trying to get free food! I went and visit a few years ago and saw a lot of improvement in terms of housing and the environment condition! Right now there are many places where you can feel comfortable walking without feeling that you have to duck or look around you every 5 seconds.

  8. Jessica says:

    Brings back old memories of when I was a Gallaudet student. Actually the first time I came to DC was when I was 16 for a summer youth program hosted by MSSD/Gallaudet. I remember my first reaction when riding the city bus. Wow! Then later as a student, I became used to the DC environment. It was odd feeling when I came back last October for the protests. A old friend picked me up from the airport and we haven’t been in that area in a long time. For me, over 10 years and we stopped talking to check out the area to see how much have changed. Look here, look there. Wow! Same Same. Change. I could see some things look the same but many new changes for the better. That was fun being there again!

  9. White Ghost says:

    When you see the Tower Clock, how did you feel? Of course, it inspired you. Why? That is because the Tower Clock is the oldest building on the campus.

    The Tower Clock is very special and unique place for us to look.

    After I graduated from Gallaudet and left from the campus, I looked at the Tower Clock, it inspired me. That is something we look at…….The Tower Clock is the powerful sign to remind us that the old building is still there.

    White Ghost

  10. IamMine says:

    Hello, good to see your vlog again!! 😀

    Glad you took the time to videotape a lot when you were visiting, so you could share with us!!

    I’m anxious to see what Gallaudet really looks like from a normal person, not you know, Gallaudet’s PR or the media.

    It might bring back some memories when I visited Gallaudet for a weekend back in 1990, but I can’t remember too much! I don’t think I used too much of my brain cells back then. 😛 😀

    Welcome back!

    PS Please don’t tease us by making us waiting tooooooooooo long for your next vlog – like in 199999.


  11. drmzz says:

    Thumbs up and welcome back. Wow, still thick window for Subway too? In late 70’s I visited a deli somewhere in area off campus with same thick windows which is surreal to me. Got food poisoning once. I guess Subway is safer. Look forward to your vlogs.

  12. Delanne says:

    Subway…brought me back memories about that place. At first, I was like HUH?? then later I got used to it.

  13. Jac says:

    Right, still same place as nothing change since last time I visited Gally about 8 years ago while I was on a business trip for my work. But I still likes to go visit there again and AGAIN! Enjoy there! Did you visit Georgetown area in DC? It was a nice one!

  14. debby says:

    I was there from 2001 and 2003 to 2005.I know what you are thinking about Gallaudet community and neighbors when you get there. Of course, it is different than most states but I still love there. At the Washburn Art department, AP and I were talking in the ceramic class, we did not hear when someone shot and broke the window on the second floor. No one checked a dead body laying at HESS gas station next door to Gallaudet for over three days. When my son came to visit me and he was thinking about getting a job until he arrived and it was a big shock to him so he decided not to move to DC. However, I am glad to be back home with my husband of 33 years.

  15. debby says:

    Georgetown is nice but expensive place to live.

  16. Gary Brooks says:

    HI Jon

    It was good to see you last week! sorry we didn’t had a chance to sit down and chat, I was in hurry for a meeting. Yes you are right Washington D.C. has some danger spots but compare to 1988 when I first came as a was extreme danger!!!!!! I even walk alone from Gallaudet to Union Station like 2am!!! I was crazy! anyway now Washington D.C. is a lot better than it was. We are fighting against the crime. I am glad that you enjoy your visit here at Gallaudet University. Next time I see you we will chat longer!

    Gary Brooks

  17. Hi Jon,

    It was nice to see you at Gallaudet! I am glad to see that you are doing good! I have been here in DC since 1998 and I am still around Gallaudet. Yes, you are right what you have mention is what I have seen everyday and things have gotten better than as it was before. I used to live right across from Gallaudet which is known as “Deaf Apartment” and I go to that subway as you mention. I am looking forward to get out of DC soon! As soon this semester ends, summer school, then fall Frank and I are going out of state residential school for the Deaf to intern teaching. After that we are done and graduate! Imagine me being in the “Dirty City” since 98 to now. Oh oy! lol

    Best of luck and tell holly hello for me 🙂 hugs
    -Sand Germinaro

  18. Joshua says:

    ugh! ur videoclip seems have problem or my computer not sure. when i click ur play videoclip then start show video of u then frozen stop which u put ur hat away that’s all! grrrrrr i wish i can see them all if ur video seems problem let me know if u fix i hope i can catch ur NEWS about Gallaudent! 😀 and by the way welcome back home.

    Joshua Womick

  19. Michele says:

    Hi there, I was the one who warned you that you may be in for a shock when you came in to DC to visit Gallaudet. It is always a shock to newcomers who have never been to Gallaudet, they have to go through the city to get to Gallaudet.

    As for Subway, I know what you mean by that. In Southeast DC when I was working for a deaf agency, I would often stop at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital for errands, we would go to Kentucky Fried Chicken, they had those bulletproof glass just like Subway. Don’t get it wrong, not all restaurants have bulletproof glass, just only some. The Subway has always been good to deaf people and very friendly and makes real good sandwiches. Did you have an opportunity to go to downtown DC and Georgetown, they are drastically different and very beautiful town to tour in. DC is a multi-faced city with a lot of surprises so it is not only one place that looks like this but has all kinds of different things to offer. Next time, I would suggest that you tour DC extensively and you would be able to appreciate DC a lot more.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  20. Pink Sun says:

    So do you regret not going to GALLAUDET?

  21. Wait a minute, lenois!

    I am expert with DC — been there for decades. I can vouch that Subway right next to Gallaudet does not reflect the current situation in the Northeast of DC. In fact, during the 1980s, the crime was so bad to a point where people were afraid of travelling through SE and NE of DC. But with the gentrification and improved New York Avenue-Gallaudet Metro station, the area has been going through the series of uplifts. it is matter of TIME before that store, Subway with thick windows will vanish. Just go to SE of DC now! It used to be one of the dangerous places to live — right now, it is one of the most sought places to live! You even cannot afford to live in that area!

    Just wait in five or ten years, Gallaudet’s area will be one of the most sought places to live. Just watch.
