Have you use digital camera for VLOG? (ASL VLOG)

Here, sample of vlog that used by digital camera! Also, it’s awesome to have it in my pocket then I can travel anywhere without have to hold or carry it!

Here, information about this camera: Canon Powershot SD750 (7.1 mega pixels)

This video clip was edited


(:58 minutes) Video hosted by videoserver.us

This video clip is not edit. Also, this camera transferred to computer by USB direct.


(:42 minutes) Video hosted by videoserver.us

My daughter feed to this bird with something in the cup. I took this picture while at San Diego’s wild animal park in May, 2007. Also, this picture took by same digital camera!

That’s Lenois and mini-Lenois!


  1. LaRonda says:

    Cool technology, Jon!

    I’m in need of a tutorial about using Quick Time. I want to convert from uploading videos through YouTube because I don’t like the compression. Still too blurry. Also time limit and megabyte limits. I want to be able to make crisp, clear video clips and it seems that Quick Time is the best selection.

    I can download QuickTime onto my computer with no problem. I think I have it already. What I need to know is what kind of porgrams or software do I need to upload my videos to QuickTime. I have read about Quick Time Pro 7 and am willing to pay for this service, but I need to know if I have the right programs to upload my vids before I purchase this.

    I use a Panasonic 3.1 Mega Pixel Digital Camera to record my vids. I have Motion Studio and Windows Movie Maker programs on my computer. The Motion Studio only makes an MPG 1 video. That’s what I’ve been using.

    I want to upgrade to an MPG 4 for best quality. Any suggestions where I can get more info to help me make quality videos? YouTube doesn’t do it for me any more. Blah…

    ~ LaRonda

  2. MikeS says:

    To answer your question, yes. It is convenient for both video and photo.

  3. David says:

    I don’t know if Sony Cybershot 5.0 is good to use, it ate all up the battery quick! :/ At my work, they just got couple new digital camera nearly same as yours but their is SD550 and I found that it’s great camera! So Canon is definitely great product.

    I don’t know which webcam hardware is the best for making a vlog. umm

  4. Destiny Carson says:

    that sooo cool smile… that new??? that cool and very cute your son same shoe very cute smile…..and nice picture animal smile…..let you know that i did send to you 4 email send to you pls let me know smile

  5. Richard Roehm says:

    We had an array of 5 small cameras at our booth for the purpose of recording troublemakers at the Deafnation Expo, Pomona California. Real nice and real small and each holds 90 minutes. They’re the same hand cams that CVS loss prevention folks use to catch people swiping stuff.

  6. SusanA says:

    that’s cool about the camera! I have an old camcorder, and it’s heavy… will do buy a camera soon! 🙂

    I thought your pic on Lenois and mini Lenois shoes were cute!

  7. Cousin Vinny says:

    I currently use an Aiptek PVR (DV8800) camera/camcorder. [Note: The link goes to an Aiptek MPVR camera spec page, as the PVR is discontinued.) I used this camera to make my vlogs, and so far, I have been satisfied.

    However, when I try to use the Aiptek PVR as a camera, it gives out a disappointing performance. There is no optical zoon, and close-up shots will turn out to be on the ‘fuzzy’ side. Next time, I will get a camera that has this feature!

  8. Cousin Vinny says:

    While looking for the Aiptek PVR information, I stumbled upon Aiptek’s newest camera;

    GO-HD – 720P High Definition Camcorder

    Looks promising! I like the fact that it has 3x optical zoom and its native movie format is Quicktime’s H.264 format! Oh, it shoots 720p HD video, not 1080i/1080p, though. I’ll stick with my current Aiptek PVR, but I may upgrade later.

  9. Jon Savage says:

    Response to LaRonda

    Tips about high quality video:


  10. LaRonda says:

    Hi Jon. Your response was very helpful. I’m in touch with Tayler and am setting up things now with him. However, I don’t know how to compress a video using a Windows machine (not Mac). I’ve got the rest set up (FTP, VideoServer, plugin, etc.). I’ve got a video ready to upload, but must compress it first. Can you help? Tayler only uses Mac. Need guidance for Windows.


    ~ LaRonda

  11. JungleForest says:

    I love a digital camera far better than disopable or regular camera because of easy to do and can make any select you like either picture or video.

    I like Quicktime better because of clear and sharp picture. 🙂

    Birds at the zoo I remember the kind where I went to a zoo in other state. It was awesome watch them fly and sit on to feed a “liquid” sugar presence of many beautiful birds. Good pictures!

  12. florence marr says:

    i like you because you good action somethings
    i ask you what mean is uri i not understand

    my name is florence marr i am deaf person

    thank you

    florence marr