Cochlear implants in SickO the movie! (ASL VLOG)

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This afternoon, I decided to read the People magazine (issued 7/23/07) and I was so interested reading the article about Michael Moore‘s film Sicko has stirred debate on health care in America. These families thought they were protected by insurance – until they needed help the most. I read through until Annette Noe’s father’s complaint that she did not get the cochlear implants by both ears at the same time. I was surprised that Doug gave a strong statement without make a judgment on the Deaf community. The statement was, “How can anybody deny treatment for a child with disabilities?” asks her father. “In this country?”

I would like to ask questions for the Noe Family. Do they have any knowledge about American Sign Language? Have they look up on the internet about deaf? Now, I do have a question for National Association of the Deaf. Have NAD done this kind of situation before? How can you provide information about deaf community to a hearing parent with a deaf child? I would like to ask the same question for Michael Moore!


  1. People tend to say that Michael Moore is good film maker but still “muckraker”. I watched Fahrenhelt 9-11 for Philosophy of Logic class and my responsibility was to find some logical fallacies no matter what my actual political opinions and I did find a lot (not surprising for a movie that was mostly aimed at emotional shocking the audience). Thus I would not attach that much importance to his misleading the audience about CI IF IF IF we deaf people can figure out how to counterbalance the information for hearies’ education sake.

    My 1 cent *chuckle*. Interesting topic ;).

  2. IamMine says:

    Oscar is right that Michael Moore likes to provoke emotions for his “documentary” films.

    What I think is that his position is not to impose on the family for anything else other what they wanted and what his agenda was – exposing the medical system itself, namely the insurances.

    He’s interested in how the insurances “control” the decisions made by families – not only this family, but also other people like one guy who had to pick how to re-attach his finger based on cost.

    It does not say how much his family knew about ASL before they made a decision before having their child implanted, nor is Michael interested in this ‘cause it has nothing to do with the theme of his documentary.

    Unfortunately, we do not have the money to advertise ASL and Bilingual Education like the oral system or medical system. But even with that, it is a decision *they* make.

    We could have organizations set up like Equal Communication Access and take in donations targeted for advertisement – to all types of media to educate the public that there is a way to teach a child ASL and providing education through ASL in order to be successful and productive in life, higher education, and working.

    Do WE have that kind of advertisement like they do where it’s in their face literally just as much as AVT, etc?

    It’s time for us to donate money to such organizations to focus on that while others work on other issues such as outreaching hearing parents of deaf babies and so on.

    Deaf Pundit is working on setting up ECA website that would educate public on various issues like closed captioning all types of media, quality of interpreters, education through ASL/English and so forth. She will show profiles of successful working deaf people who were raised with ASL.

    We do need more vlogs of deaf children learning English through ASL like Barb’s children has so they can look for them on to expose them to more hearing people.

    Sorry for the long post… yikes. But really, Michael Moore is a *nut*. Funny he did a documentary on Fahrenheit 9/11 exposing details about Bush, Osama Bin-Laden ties, and so forth…when it was found that he himself had some stocks in Halliburton. *roll eyes*

  3. Gunsbut says:

    Hey I think Media are very lacking for advertising about some choices of DEAF and MICHEAL MOORE seem not trust but HE seem not acknowledge about DEAF HISTORY and Try to ask HIm to invesigate with DEAF things. I know 50 states are lacking to share everything.

    In Canada We have fair advertising of DEAF things and it is not easy to do….


  4. daveynin says:

    Michael Moore and Ridor.. separated at birth?

  5. ASLisRisen says:

    You have very GOOD questions!! I have not gone to see a movie called SICKO yet because I am still waiting for Fomdi to announce the movie around my home town first… Of course, Michael Moore simply investigate himself without checking NAD or Deaf community…

  6. Angie says:

    Hi there,

    I always watch for a new vlog from you and enjoy them so much. I am anxious to see this movie, didn’t know they talked about the CI and deaf children. I am a hearing mom and my son just had this surgery a week ago. He was born deaf. He is almost 11 years old now and this was more his decision than it was mine. I did the research for him. I think most hearing parents don’t know much about the deaf community and are afraid of what they don’t know. The rest of my son’s family, grandparents etc. have very different reasons for thinking he should have this surgery and it’s all from a pathological view. I am an ASL student and starting the interpreters program at my local college in the fall. I emailed people like Amy Cohen and talked with my deaf professors before making this final decision. I wish there was a better way for hearing parents to get input from the deaf community so they can make an educated decision about CI’s and other things. The doctors certainly don’t provide this, you have to seek it out yourself. CI is good for my son because he tends to be more oral and this is his choice. But one of his best friends is completely ASL and CI would not be a good choice for him. I worry for parents who don’t know about the deaf community and ASL because it really is one of the greatest gifts they can give their child. Sure CI’s, hearing aids are good too and can sometimes help the child use different modes of communication but it is not for all children, and parents need to know what a great community is out there to support them and ASL with their children.

    Thanks as always for another great topic.
    🙂 Angie

  7. Dennis Bacon says:

    Good subject bring up! Why don’t we email him about information that he overlook? His email address is See what he have to say.

  8. White Ghost says:

    I have never liked Michael Moore’s films. All he wants to be a hero for tarnishing our country. I am glad that the Academy for the Oscar awards did not pick the Fahrenheit 9/11 to be the best documentary.

    For what he did for our country is to tell the world how lousy system the America is!

    I know the insurance policy won’t be easy but it will have to have a long way to go before it gets there.

    Frankly, I am glad that Castro rejected Michael Moore’s attempt to enter the regime of Cuba. Michael Moore have no right to investigate Cuba’s communism. However, for what I understand about the issues in North Korea’s. There is nothing changing for over 50 years since the regime took over. It is the same with Cuba’s.

    *Roll eyes* on any Michael Moore’s films.

    White Ghost

  9. Edward Nugent says:

    I am not Republic but I think Michael Moore is a freak!

  10. moebius says:

    Who’s the kid in the background?

  11. Kim says:

    Hey, I just wrote a comment on Deaf Bilingual Coaliation using Michael Moore as our ally – He can shake the USA into being more humane view toward the Deaf education system. He has the tools and image that we can benefit from (I know you may be shaking your head).. We need to EDUCATE him fully and get him to visit Sweden Deaf education. Bilingual education is the BEST and ONLY way for our future.. ASL and English (spoken, auditory – ONLY if children can learn via the tool, and of course, literacy). Right now, I am pretty positive that there are thousands parents learning from medical people, Oral education, and AVT and they do NOT know anything about ASL, Deaf community, & Deaf culture. Deaf schools dont have funds to spend promoting the awareness everywhere – the Oral education is wealthy in providing information (books, DVD, bags, and so forth..) They can send their teachers over and work with families very early and very FAST. It’s sad fact..
    Since the parents of the little girl got Michael’s attention, Michael made difference for them – why can not we try to talk with Michael? I sense him as the person who likes to seek for the truth and shake things up…

  12. Davy says:

    Oh My Gosh …………. what a mess. Again I keep telling anyone on thier Blog on reply …… Hearing people is not smart enough to understand in deaf world or deaf communtiy.

    Hearing people have NEVER been deaf THEMSELF and not know what talking about. Oh Grief!


  13. michele says:

    My guess would be is that Michael Moore has a savior complexity — he likes to think that he is saving people from danger or whatever. He probably would not have bothered to check in with NAD, deaf community or whatever, when he had the opportunity to hear about this hearing family’s plight and their deaf daughter, he immediately jumped in and rescued them. Of course, this would make anyone feel good, wouldn’t it?

  14. Mark Maki says:

    I watched your vlog about a Deaf girl and I looked my magzaine People that you showed me. I find interesting topic.

    long time qgo I read something about CI about babies can cause dangerous risks like bacterial meningitis I dont support CI for some reasons. michael moore seem opporunity to agrue about insurance and scaried insurance because he put media for his own reasons.

    sound like he didnt know about DEAF and dont care to take time to research more information on DEAF issues. maybe Iam wrong maybe he will have opporunity to look into it someday???

  15. Steve says:

    This is an interesting issue. My guess is that there is two different prespectives in this story for their benefits. Michael Moore IS fighting for the medical reason -for the show- not for the family or the girl- The family sees that they HAVE to FIX the disablity. Cohear implant was available to FIX the girl for their own benefit. The family does not want to go to the girl. They want the girl to go to the family. AT the end.. who suffer? Who’s happy? Who’s winning the story? I pity that girl.

  16. Melinda says:

    Hi Jon,

    I read that People magzaine last days ago but I missed that important part of that because picture of Harry Potter with money I think its pointless to read. Your video do catch my attention 100 percent!
    Anyways my point is I do believe we, people should speak up that Michael Moore did wrong way, he supposed to research before he make a movie about this. I don’t think money and tech answer or anything, I don’t think that he can agure with medical issue to helping anything at all. My opinion, he should re-create his movie about how CI is high risk for them and helping other hearing parnet to think twice before they do something to thier own children. Deaf community is so so important to us.

    Im forwarding to see what’s happen in the furture with Mike Moore!

  17. Laura Lopez says:

    It seems from a lot of these comments that most of you guys haven’t even watched this movie, Sicko. Michael Moore never appears in the movie with this family–it seems that he never even personally met this family. Michael Moore had absolutely nothing to do with this little girl getting a cochlear implant. The deaf girl had ALREADY gotten one cochlear implant and the insurance company had refused to pay for a second implant for her other ear. The father of the girl wrote the insurance company after he heard that Moore was making a movie about insurance companies. He basically threatened the company and their CEO with Moore making an example of them in the movie. The only reason that this family is presented in the movie is because the idea of Michael Moore apparently scared them into allowing the second cochlear implant. Michael Moore never had anything to do with this family; he only presented them in the movie as an example of how the insurance companies were so freaked out by his new movie.
    I understand that cochlear implants are controversial, but Sicko makes no judgements on cochlear implants, the deaf community, nothing. Sicko is about the insurance companies and nothing more.

  18. Mish says:

    The poster above, Laura Lopez, pretty much said it all. The family and the cochlear implant situation is just one of many examples presented in the documentary of how the insurance system work here in US, that’s it. This movie, in whole, is very interesting and makes you think. Yes, Michael Moore likes to emotionally shock people but that point of the SICKO is for you to stop and think about how the insurance system operates. In my opinion, I agree with most points of the movie just because I work in the medical field and have seen myself how insurance companies screw hard working people. I fight with the insurance companies to GET the claims PAID. You will not believe how many insurance companies deny the claims for the most ridiculous reasons….we appeal and appeal to get them paid. Ridiculous. Anyway….I am going off track here lol.

    You brought up a good point about educating the hearing parents with a deaf child of options. I am a firm believer that all parents SHOULD be educated of ALL options for their deaf child , there are more out there than just CI. In fact, all hospitals in this state require a hearing test at birth for newborns. My friend is working with all hospitals in our area to have us come and meet with the parents when their baby was confirmed with hearing loss. So far, many hospitals are willing to do this procedure, in fact they are grateful for this opportunity for the parents! In our meeting with parents, we just listen to parents’ concerns and discuss them. We also inform them of all kind of options including ASL, deaf community, interpreting, CI, and many more. We just want them to see that CI is not the answer that ends it all…there are much more to it. That deafness is NOT a terrible disability that many people ) think it is. From there, it is up to the parents to make an informed decision….not to be easily swayed by the audiologists (usually strong adovocates of CI). Perhaps, that is something you can do in your community?

    Anyway, good vlog! Brought up good points. 🙂

  19. Sonja Hawn says:

    Hello there. I am the 37 year old sister of Annette Noe. I have nothing but respect for you and the deaf community. Both Annette and her older brother are deaf and have had the implants. My father and his wife’s decision to have the implants for thier children is in no way a slap in the face to the deaf community and should not be taken as such. They did what they felt was best for their children. We all, as parents, have that right, to act in the best interest of our children. If there is technology out there to help make life easier for us, why not take advantage of it?! Deafness is not a terrible, horrible disability and people who are deaf can have a very functional life, as it seems that you do. But my father should not be criticized for trying to make life better/easier for his children. Best of luck to you.

  20. Dixie says:

    I was thinking the same thing when I read the article myself – these parents obviously did not do their research and thought that CIs were the ONLY venue for them. Deafness itself is not a horrible disability that hinders one from leading a productive life – you, yourself Jon are proof of that. I think parents did what they thought was conveinient for them – it did not mention anything about ASL in that article anywhere. I was disappointed with th article.

  21. lmarie berk says:

    Sooo many uninformed comments here. Choosing a cochlear implant is FAR from being convinient or the EASY WAY OUT. Have any idea what it costs? How much auditory verbal therapy is required post surgically? It is costly, time consuming, and takes absolute dedication from the parents! ASL is easy to learn. Too bad it is not easily understood by the MAJORITY of the world. Try going to a bank and applying for a loan. Forget that, just try and see if the teller can help you cash your check. Face it. We live in a HEARING world. Unfortunate that this technology was not around for all the capital D deaf to get a chance at many years ago, but it is the way of the future. Want to know why so many parents DONT want to send kids to deaf schools and communicate only with ASL? Just read the letters contributed to this thread, composed by deaf writers. Then, read their letters and find the writing errors. They are many. ASL does not translate to english well, and it shows. Just like it would show on an application for employment! Having the ability to hear and speak enables one to also read much better. The truth hurts. And I know, because I have a deaf child.