My thoughts of Deaf Bilingual Coalition (ASL VLOG)

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I want to share with you that I have been watching the Deaf Bilingual Coalition through vlogs, blogs, and emails. I was very interested to see how they have prepared to have a protest at Alexander Graham Bell Association Conference. I was concerned about their preparation until DBC explained of their preparation of the protest. I was convinced to see in DBC group, the people were intelligent and diplomatic who are leadership and appropriate.

I’m impressed with David Eberwein who has courage to fly and join the protest all the way from Bay area to VA. It was good to see DBC that has a National Association of the Deaf (NAD) lawyer who is involved and has the knowledge of legal. Also, I’m impressed with John Egbert’s and Barb Digi’s explanation of the preparation with DBC very well in their blog and vlog plus several people sent me emails.

I got goose bumps when I learn about the incident with Barb DiGi, her daughter Brianna, Raychelle Harris, and Adrian Mack. The hotel staff dealt with them by an inappropriate behavior. I was very pleased to know that those DBC groups stayed strong and believe in them at the same time. They keep up with their gentle attitudes. DBC does appreciate me enough for me to join their group!

Their information and experiences gave me some kind of empowerment as much I would like to do something about this situation. I can see there are only way to have a talk to people about it after I was pleased have them shared of their experience that gave me to contemplate for DBC.

I wanted to print out the flyers from Amy Cohen Efron’s blog and Maureen “Moe” Klusza’s cartoon (The Greatest Irony: Deaf Baby Cuffed, Hearing Baby learns ASL) on Raychelle’s blog. That way I can pass out the flyers to people at the La Jolla Shores beach ( I was surprised that most of my friends already aware of it. At same time, I was impressed with them that they have been keeping up with vblogs! So, we had a great conversation at the beach and we were agreed with DBC that they were doing an excellent job. We understood the greatest irony: Audio Verbal Therapy (AVT) forbids signing for Deaf babies while okay for hearing baby learn American Sign Language (ASL)! I’m very pleased to see people who acknowledged and supported DBC!

If AgBAD is considered to have a conference in San Diego then I’m ready to join DBC!


  1. LaRonda says:

    Well done, Jon! well done!

    ~ LaRonda

  2. Jean says:

    Beauto, Jon!


  3. Jamie says:

    What PREPARATION?? Did they have ADVANCE permission to protest from AGBELL?? This is Washington, DC. Protests are not allowed to be held without permission! In Washington, DC, protestors must REGISTER to get permits to protest. Did the DBC have a PERMIT??

    There are alternatives to protesting! Check what I wrote on my own blog, Berke Outspoken.

  4. White Ghost says:

    If I win the lottery, I would have given million of dollars to Deaf Bilingual Coalition to fight with AG Bell to make the hearing and deaf babies to be equal in the communication method and ASL.

    White Ghost

  5. deafk says:

    Hi, Jon,

    That is interesting how things go around the world… espeically with our I got sense that the discussions from Deafread has spread far and wide that we might never imagine how far it could go… Possibly to media people that they even bother to mention Errol Shaw Jr…. hmm! Is nt that great!??


  6. Mishkazena says:

    Jamie, it was in Arlington VA and yes, John Egbert did check about the permit for a peaceful assembly. No permit is needed. He have already discussed with the hotel management well in advance and they were fine with it. The police was also briefed. Several hours after the start of the assembly, the hotel manager had a change of heart and started adding rules, one after other. Barb and Brianna were already standing on the public sidewalk, outside of the hotel property, when they were attacked.

    All we did was to offer flyers with smiles and talked to people interested in hearing more. We were very polite.

  7. Jon Savage says:

    Hi Mishkazena,

    Thank you for add more information on this blog. I appreciate it.

  8. Dianne K says:

    Well said! I totally agree with you.

  9. deafk says:


    About DBC, I agree 100% percent with you. Same here, if AGBell conference occurs here or nearby, I would be READY, too!


  10. Midwest guy says:

    “What PREPARATION?? Did they have ADVANCE permission to protest from AGBELL?? This is Washington, DC. Protests are not allowed to be held without permission! In Washington, DC, protestors must REGISTER to get permits to protest. Did the DBC have a PERMIT??”

    you do not need a permit if you follow specific rules.

    There is no permit for a protest – 1st ammendment. – pure and simple.

    To take over a road, etc sidekwalks – yes you need formal request.

    but if you’re on sidewalks, walking in single file – NO PERMIT IS NEEDED

    Q What speech activities are protected by the First Amendment?

    A Making speeches, handing out leaflets, holding or attending rallies, carrying posters and demonstrating.

    Q Where can we pass out leaflets or hold a rally, march or demonstration?

    A Generally, in any public forum (see next question). Expressive activity is allowed in public forums as long as it does not interfere with the rights and activities of others – for example, demonstrators may not block pedestrians, business entrances or traffic. Government may sometimes regulate how these activities take place, but not on the basis of their content or message

  11. Jenny says:

    Jamie, your shrill cries of “There are alternatives to protesting. Read my blog” are beyond the point of getting old. They have already grown quite old and moldy. We’ve heard your opinion (pun intended). Some people agree with you. Some don’t. Let it go or couch your thoughts in different ways rather than saying the same thing over and over. Engage people in dialogue rather than directing people to your blog.

  12. deafchipmunk says:

    YEs I agree with you. We need to express our experiences to the world that AVT is not the solution and is destructive! BiBi is the only solution and safety net for all Deaf children.


  13. Davy says:

    Very good print out on Blog and also show the emotion the feeling on Vlog …… Good Job Jon.

    Yea If happen in southern California ……..Sure I go stand what is right for support for DBC!
    Way a go deafread to message about all to read what going on in the news ON Deafread.

    Also Please …… I was hoping on Deafnewpaper TOO! if they post about it and do forget them Too!
    Also they are support deaf people in USA. I did meet Deafnewspaper Ken Davis – in person and He is very nice guy.


  14. Joey Baer says:

    Wow – what a powerful reflection! For me, this is best ASL vlog clip I ever see in terms of using ASL. you signed everything eloquently and I loved how you signed “Feeling in me then it goes to my brain to think further”.

    Beautiful! Beautiful!

  15. Lee P. says:

    A well said vlog, Jon. I admire you for your “approach” towards those who do not understand our point of view, especially Jamie. Please keep coming and keep vlogging. We need good role models like you.

  16. DE says:

    Thank you! Always love your critical examination, ASL, etc.!


  17. anon says:

    Jamie, your shrill cries of “There are alternatives to protesting. Read my blog” are beyond the point of getting old. They have already grown quite old and moldy. We’ve heard your opinion (pun intended). Some people agree with you. Some don’t. Let it go or couch your thoughts in different ways rather than saying the same thing over and over. Engage people in dialogue rather than directing people to your blog.

  18. ASL Risen says:


    I support Jon’s express his own mind because we need his thoughts. It’s important for him to feel free to speak out. We all need to learn how to face “alternative”. Keep on thinkng and your feelings, Jon! You have a right to express your own thoughts, Jon! Great job, Jon! Shawn

  19. Richard Roehm says:

    What I see is they DBC is barking up the wrong trees so far and embarrassing us and making us appear weak as a community to the rest of the society.

  20. Jon Savage says:

    Hi Richard,

    Can you give me more details of DBC barking up the wrong trees? Let me clarify from what I understand. DBC educating people to treat baby “tree” by process correctly. Tree will be growing up health basis on experience since Laurent Clerc’s first instructor of American Sign Language. ASL always has been successful in correct language for deaf people until hearing people try to help make BETTER for deaf people by without have a concept of deaf community to be understand. Deaf community always fights what’s best for deaf people.

    I would like to have you share an evidence in community are weak to the society by hearing or deaf community’s perspective. I haven’t seen any of what’s your option or believe for best solution for deaf baby.