Richard Roehm and I had conversation about DBC

I’m pleased to share with you as for deaf community from what Richard Roehm, Chief Executive Officer of Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center and I had conversation about “My thoughts of Deaf Bilingual Coalition (ASL VLOG)” on I would be interesting about your thoughts to share with us as for our deaf community.

Richard Roehm’s YouTube username is Nesmuth and my YouTube username is jonLenois.

Nesmuth: Theres no such thing as deaf bilingual coalition. Where’s the bilingual part? Its all ASL talk.

JonLenois: There are transcripts next to video. Thank you for your concern. I tend not to do transcript but for this one is good sample of bilingual.

Nesmuth: No it is not. Bilingual means in this case, oral people and total communication users.

JonLenois: I’m suggesting you check out dictionary. I pulled the info for you to read this. Here, Bilingual: spoken, written, or containing similar information in two different languages.

If you are talks about total communication user then it’s called simultaneous communication. Here, simultaneous: Happening, existing, or done at the same time.

Nesmuth: ASL and written English are not two different languages. Your kinds are already making a big thing out of using ASL to teach babies English. That dont make these two different languages.

JonLenois: I would agree with you if you talk about Signing Exact English (SEE) and English written that are not two different languages. A Hearing and deaf baby are recommend to learn ASL that is increases the speed of spoken language development. ASL enables the easier acquisition of English.

That’s why deaf people need conceive from a language that not requires sounds (voices).The language of English is demand to have sound included as difficult for deaf people to have cogent to people.

The major reason for Deaf Bilingual Coalition to development to allow deaf people learn American Sign Language that is way deaf people could expressing their thoughts through visual in communication. ASL is teaches well to translating to English language in written skills.

Signews newspapers mention that 80% of USA is recognizing ASL is foreign language for Colleges and Universities.


  1. White Ghost says:

    I do not think Richard Roehm understands the AG Bell and DBC.

    DBC intends to make sure the AG Bell follows the communication and writing skills between the hearing and deaf babies equally. Unfortunately, AG Bell did not FOLLOW the rules. they are oppressing many INNOCENT deaf babies.

    RIchard stated “ASL and written english are NOT two different languages. You kinds are already making a big thing out of using ASL to teach babies english. That don’t make these two different languages.”

    At this point, there are many people who have spoken two – three different languages. They are successful in communication and writing skills. I do not see any differences.

    White Ghost

  2. John says:

    richard roehm has been trying to get into my blog site hoping to be impressive with his thoughts but I have been deleting and spamming him because I don’t want the society to categorize richard roehm as one of the leaders.

    richard roehm needs help and you all bloggers should be aware of it.


  3. Richard Roehm says:

    What you guys are looking for is called the Bi-Bi Coalition not the Deaf Bilingual Coalition.


  4. Anti - RR says:

    Geez whiz! Do you have to believe that (bleep) moron??? He is just a dummy who can’t get things right. He is NOT even a leader. He needs to go to funny farm with straightjacket!

  5. todos la vie says:

    From what I’ve seen or heard, Roehm is not much of a collaborator. He tried to steal contracts from established deaf agencies, making them look bad by suing them. I know cuz I was on staff there. Don’t believe anything to see or hear. He’s also not worth the effort. If we pay attention to him (like I’m doing now — but this is my first and last effort), he’s winning. Just ignore him and he’ll try to ignite flames elsewhere.

  6. ASL Risen says:

    Jon, you are so AWESOME Dad!!! I am glad that you did stood up up to protect DBC!!! BIG THANKFUL HUGS to you, your wife and your adorable kids! Shawn

  7. Geez says:


    So typical of Richard – and it’s where he comes from.

    Today’s kids are being taken away from their own souls everyday in countless ways without knowing or reasoning. I cannot describe anything more than this. Many parents have no idea how sensitive is parenting of any baby/child has been one of a classic example. I did not want to make it sound too emotional by elaborating this. Many of you already went through and know what I was trying to say.

    Often medical professionals who take up and direct what a baby/child’s parents should do by manipulating (empowering) silent babies/children. WIthout looking real close, many parents did not aware that there are plenty of manipulations involving the child when it wasn’t needed -trickery, deception, bribery, false praises/rewards, so forth. I’m not sure how much abuse has been performed in Richard, but seems he was redundant to himself earning more unnatural recogniition from the society where he’s been trying to fit in. This is just an example of contributing the learned behavior effects on these babies/children; therefore, when they grow up older, they denied themselsves many apects of life. And many more unrecognized abuses to be defined to reduce this kind of medical community’s practice. Same, same, nothing new.

    It reminds me of famous Dr. Pavlov, really, for bringing his cool experiment. Go and research. Deaf babies/children are not the lab animals. It makes AGBELL so profitable and harvesting more MONEY whereas VRS providers harvesting more from ASL users.

    Simple solution – deaf babies/children – a complete natural recipe set of outstanding visual beings. COMMUNICATE VISUALLY AND LEARN ENGLISH NOW, DON’T WAIT AND LET THEM TELL WHAT YOU SHOULD DO.

    It won’t be any problem because it doesn’t require too much manipluations in no time. Parents are not expected to have this special situation in beginning – to face a silent and visual-hungry human. If they don’t accept and want to create something to help, this child may be doomed rest of his/her life. Just simple that.

    I am planning to make some large donation to the DBC as a wonderful watchdog program seed and support for allllll DHH kids when hearing parents and kids both feel victimized.

    Experiment Reduction, increased acceptance = society health’s pulse may be positive and organic. I’m going to a Whole Food’s Company in La Jolla.

    A HIGHEST QUALITY ORGANIC FOOD: No artificial, no chemical/pesticide, no bull(bleep). EXPENSIVE BUT GOOD CAUSE

    Let’s say this metaphorically:

    A HIGHEST QUALITY ORGANICALLY DEAF: Any whole Deaf baby/child: No artifical sense, no injections/behavior modifications/decayed teeth from all pesty candies (antibiotics for bribery/games), no false hope. CHEAPEST FORM; ACCEPT THEM.

    Therefore, a Deaf Bilingual Coalition (DBC) is just another example of the organic farm and will make it more natural rather than emotion/social-engineering needed. Take your children some fun activities first in a natural setting. Interact the actual Deaf community and respect values from them to make your childen more AUTHENTIC and HEALTHY.

    Mere two cents here. I know you and it was cool what you did to bring up organically. I’m sure the medical community will call DBC, a Vegan/Organic militant, or a starving artist. Not even surprising here.

    Let’s SURF!!!

  8. RLM says:


    First of all, many thanks for sharing your e-conversation with Richard Roehem. So we could know what we could improve the public perception of the DBC’s postitons to prevent any further misunderstandings. within the society at large. I hope that the DBC will issue out the formal mission statement real soon to clarify what it meant by their postitons and goals. So everyone would not misunderstand or question the intentions of the DBC.

    I had the same thought why not the DBC call itself the “Bi-Bi Coaltion” when it publicly featured on the Deaf Blogsphere for very first time. I realized that the use of “Bi-Bi” that would result in real confusion with the sexual preference, “bisexual”. That was not really a good idea to call the DBC “Bi-BI’ Coaltion as some parents probably got the wrong idea of the organization. In the end, the founders of Deaf Bilingual Coaltion, did the right thing in the first place.

    Richard Roehem have to see and understand that the Total Communication, Signed Exact English and Si-Cim are not the real language, just a communication mode. The DBC wisely calls for the bilingual approach to the language development and acquistion for deaf babies to be visually stimulated thru very simple pargadim of American Sign Language (ASL) to written English. The DBC did not rule out the use of spoken English which I respectfully disagree with. The DBC is very successful to accomodate very reasonable postitons on the importance of language development and acquistion for deaf babies without alienating more people.

    White Ghost beautifully eloborated on the goals of the DBC to stress on the importance of successful language acquistion and language development than deprieving deaf babies of any means.

    I have the total faith with the DBC people.

    Robert L. Mason (RLM)
    RLMDEAF blog

  9. Cy says:

    Sounds like Richard doesn’t understand the difference between ASL and communication modes such as SEE, PSE, SIM, etc. That or he doesn’t recognize ASL as a language but merely a communication mode. I watched some of his vlogs and he signs in English order so I wonder if he truly understand the structure, dynamics, syntax, and grammatical order of ASL which differeniates itself from English. Perhaps because he himself use English order and is not an ASL user, he fails to see ASL as a language by itself because the words are dervied from English in that we have sign in ASL for English word “apple.” He compares bilingual as English – Spanish, English – French where the languages have totally different words for “apple.” Yet, both French and Spanish have similiar letter alphabet as English, even Russian, some other European countries. It is Chinese, Japanese and some other that are totally non-letter language. The principle applies here – ASL is like Spanish, French, Russian – ASL uses the same letters, and yes, same words, but in different grammatical structure, grammatical rules (past tense, plurality, etc), grammatical order, syntax…plus spatial movements using hands and arms plus facial tones that are absent from spoken and written English. So, in conclusion, I assess that Richard is simple in this thinking – ASL has an English based system therefore it is not a foreign language therefore whoever uses ASL is not bilingual.

  10. anon says:

    You all know that Richard Roehm is mentally ill. Why are you even bothering discussing things with him? Roehm has always been mentally Roehm, and he always will be mentally Roehm.

    -Roehm Naysayer

  11. Jean says:

    Has Richard Rohem ever attended Galladuet University or CSUN? If not, he should take some deaf-related courses since he works for the deaf in Orange County as CEO.

  12. Jean says:

    Off on a tangent, I like the idea about your interview or conversation, so I hope you will deo more
    interviews with different deaf leaders like Ella Mae, DE, Dr. Fleischer, Dr. Roz Rosen, and others.

  13. Richard Roehm says:

    The naysayers did the same thing with Frances Parsons. They belittled her the same way they did with me just here. It’s all in this book , American Sign Language : Shattering the Myth, as shown on ->

  14. Johnny says:

    Richard is a nutcase and has been for years. HIs so-called organization, OCDAC, is a shame and is operated out of a storage unit. It doesn’t have any paid staff and never has. Has maybe a couple of volunteers who he’s been able to exploit who don’t know any better. He lives on SSI and spends his time harassing our hard working deaf people and organizations. Even his ex-wife successfully got a restraining order against him. He loves attention and doesn’t care if its good or bad. He’s one sick dude.

    Interviews like these just show how stupid he is.

  15. Richard Roehm says:

    We do have paid staff including deaf and disabled on our compensation rolls. We just dont hire from the old guard deaf. I aint even on SSI. The restraining order was part of her failed acrimonious plot to take everything from me. It didnt work as she completely lost the divorce case. My ex will be spending the rest of her life being a big crybaby over losing the divorce case and she’ll cook up anything wild to please your palates.

  16. Richard Roehm says:

    Back to the subject matter. If you guys really stood behind ASL-English, you wouldnt have sacked Morton Warnow’s advocacy in the first place. So basically the DBC is a flip-flopping ASL exclusive country club.

  17. Collegegradued says:

    Richard will never accept the true actually fact of ASL or anything that has to do with Deaf Community he is just a loner dirty old man looking for a trouble and would like to have several slaves such as Kenneth aka (flx50k and flx50kkk)
    Pathelic old sorry ass!!


  18. Enjoyed this blog thanks – good work!

  19. Laura says:

    Believe it or not, he and I attended the same high school. Ever since I knew him, he has NOT changed because he tends to think his own righteous. From that time, I never or ever make any efforts to dispute with him because he would NOT even try one small leap: open his mind.

    To answer Jean’s question, he has NOT graduated either from Gallaudet or CSUN. He just would rather to label himself as CEO.

    FYI- Like I said he and I went to same high school (unfortunately), we never learned to sign until after we graduated from High School. Thus,he never understands completely about deaf culture. He just would rather to argue with his own point of view. Period! He did that a lot in classes.

    Second, he once told me that he planned on moving to another state to buy a BIG acre and a big house at Deaf Expo before he knew I was married to my own husband (OF COURSE, not him.) I knew it was NOT true because he only was trying to impress until I told him that I have to get going because of my husband. He didn’t seem to be pleased that I’m married instead of him – and looked at my husband down. I just laughed and walked away with my best friend, my husband. Years later, he is still in California with no big acre and a big house.

    In closure, I am sure many of you already see a real picture of him before reading this message. Thus, I would NOT dispute or believe in him AT ALL.

  20. Modesty says:


    “After her story ran, Warren received an e-mail from a Richard Roehm, CEO of the Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center, who wants to be helpful:

    “I have a 20-acre desert lot I can pack with trailers for these people. The trailers usually can be found free on the Craigslist. It’d benefit the property as they’d farm on it and improve the lot by cutting roads and laying water and sewer lines. I would charge little as $10 a week to help raise funds for the property improvements.

    “The society will benefit from these types of colonies by knowing that the sex offenders are self-sustaining themselves away from the big cities. And there’s no real reason for them to come to the bigger cities where vulnerable people live in.””

    It’s a brave new world.

    Roehm “is reinventing the wheel,” said Ed Kelly, director of the Orange County Deaf Equal Access Foundation, whose parent group is the Greater Los Angeles Council on Deafness, or GLAD. “He is causing quite a stir in the deaf community. He doesn’t know what we really do here.”