The family’s 1st vlog (ASL & OC)

(1:08 minutes) Video hosted by

My kids, wife, and I went to La Jolla Shores today after work and we played in the warm water with cool weather. My daughter, Renny tells on vlog that she exciting to going to KODAWest 2nd Annual Day at the Beach in Huntington Beach this Saturday, August 18th.

Click on link: KODAWest

Will we see you there?


The Savages


  1. Awwww, cute kids!!! I love how your daughter signs. 🙂

  2. Gary Brooks says:

    Cute video!!!! the beach look so crystal and calm! look like you all have fun at the beach!


  3. SusanA says:

    aw, Lenny has a cute smile up close! 🙂 Your children are beautiful, John and Holly 🙂

  4. daveynin says:

    Your first family Vlog? I remember the other day you recorded your daughter to school for… her first day of school.

  5. daveynin says:

    I slipped the comment button before I am trying to say in this comment box… You got lovely kids and they seemed so enjoyable at beach!

  6. Mish says:

    Awwwww….your kids are so adorable! I am glad you all had fun at the beach.

  7. DeafDixie says:

    AWWWWWW… Bless their little hearts!!!!!!


  8. LaRonda says:

    Hi again, Savage Family!

    We should have joined you for the day! We were over playing at Moonlight Beach again ourselves. Looks like you had a good day together. So did we.

    Hugs to all!

    ~ LaRonda

  9. Jon Savage says:


    *GASP* You remember! I’m impressive! Last year, Vlog was focus on Renny and Three of us were cheerleaders for her that she go to school! (smile) This time, about all of us went to beach together.


  10. Jon Savage says:

    Hi LaRonda,

    We would love to have you join us yesterday. However, we made decision last min by right after work. We just want to get wet and play for short time before come home and cook dinner. La Jolla Shores is our “backyard” because only 5 minutes to drive away from home.

  11. K Cook says:

    Your family are so beautiful and very blessing – I love watching surfing and beach.. I already miss my lovely father who was a surfer at Rhode Island for many years and loved watching my father who was surfing on the ocean .My wonderful beloved parents brought me so much great memories at Cape Cod Island, Massachusetts ..I miss him helped me to shovel calms at the cape cod island ..Fun -.It remind me of your family life as same thing as my family life at the ocean life .
    God bless you and family ~~

  12. LaRonda says:

    Lucky you! How cool it would be to live 5 minutes from the beach!

    ~ LaRonda

  13. Eric Calbert says:


    You guys got me all smiling from ear to ear:) Miss ya all and can’t believe how fast your kids are growing! When my family returns, let’s get together for dinner! This time we’ll make it! LOL

    Keep on v’logging!

  14. David K. says:

    Cute kids! So cool to see Holly signing. Wonder if your kids are hearing or deaf? Save time driving to the beach from your home… I live about 5 mins from Okolossa Island near Ft. Walton Beach in Florida. Keep up good job posting vlogs! ;^)

  15. kira says:

    awww! that’s so lovely first family vlog. nice! 🙂

  16. Papa Barry and Gramma Georgia says:

    What a great family get together and memory to have….you will be surprised when you watch it in a few months at how big the kids will be then. They are so cute. The each looked so cool and inviting…I am sure you had a terrific time.

  17. Jon Savage says:

    David K.,

    Both kids are hearing, Kid Of Deaf Adult (KODA).

  18. Jac says:

    Your kids are so little CuTe! That make me remembered when my two kids were so young at beach, I really missed them as little, now my two kids are grown up! My boy is in the college in his third year and my girl is in high school in her sophomore year, I am still young in 40s! LOL.. Enjoy your family time before your time will fly FAST!

    Have a great fun at the beach this coming Saturday.


  19. JungleForest says:

    What a lovely family!! You and your family had alot of fun at the beach.

    I remember Huntington Beach where my family went there alot when I grew up there. It brings to my memory. Love to visit there again someday to see my old hometown.

    Glad you have a family video make that a special memories moments.

    Happy late Summer! 🙂

  20. IamMine says:

    Lenny looks so darling! Looks like his dad! 😀

    Very lovely family you got there, Jon!

    Hope Renny has a blast time at KODAWest!

  21. codadiva says:

    AWESOME! Please update us on how KodaWest turns out! You have a very beautiful family!