International Deaf and Sign Language Day inspired me!

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Mainsparis’ vlog (LSF Vlogger: Bruno Moncelle) INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE DEAF

Ella Mae Lentz’s vlog: September 29, 2007 Take Action!



I wanted to share the information with you from what I heard about Sept. 29. I decided to check out the vlogs. The two vloggers inspired me. Bruno (Deaf & French) and Ella were talking about Sept. 29th to have a special day for all of us to remember that sign language is for the deaf people. I would like to show how I felt about that day.

(Jon put black shirt on)

Now, I felt something by wear this black shirt. It made me feel morosely and fell apart by limited on sign language. I can see most of deaf people were dissuaded to have a deaf community in my hometown. That’s depressing for me and I understand why I’m wearing this black shirt. I do understand what audism have done to the deaf people and me for a long time. Also, we have experienced in our journey through a rough road as we searched a better place for all of us. I would like to have International Deaf and Sign Language Day to be visualized all the way around the world that is unity. We are able to accept by digging up in our souls to see on our hands and spirits to be united. All of us can understand better and then we could chant before by 4 PM as we show to the world that Deaf people want to see Audism to stop now. We can inspire ourselves to use sign language for socializing and communicating. How?

(Jon took black shirt off)

Now, I could visualize in sign language as colorful. Now, I’m wondering if we could make it happen. YES! Here, San Diego as the same day event with Deaf Awareness Day! I asked DAD committee to let us to be included for the event as for San Diego chapter of California Association of the Deaf and San Diego chapter of American Sign Language Teachers Association. I hope to have them to join with us to celebrate on this event together as unity.

I want to make a suggestion about selling t shirts with designs included the definition of the word, AUDISM on the rear of tee. We would like to support Deaf Bilingual Coalition (DBC) for having a special guest, who would give out a presentation to our hometown. The special guest can inform people with deaf children that American Sign Language is a successful language for deaf people to use for their communication and social skills. Also, ASL will improve their English writing skills as well. I would love to spread the words out in my hometown, deaf people, and deaf community.

Want to join us to have a celebration on International Deaf and Sign Language Day?


  1. Lisa Marie says:

    I would like to do it in our hometown and thank you for inspiring.

    Thumbs up

  2. LaRonda says:

    Wow Jon1 What a creative and imaginative vlog post! I loved how you made the black and white change into real color! True meaning about the life blood of ASL! Thanks for another great vlog! You inspire me, my friend!

    ~ LaRonda

  3. Barb DiGi says:

    You are now an inspiration to us! Thanks for joining in the circle of spirit and for your gracious support to DBC. San Diego Deaf Community rocks!

  4. DE says:

    Thank you. Your vlogs always inspire me.

  5. Katherine says:

    This may sound corny, but ‘heye’ (instead of hear :)) me out. How about if we all wear a black t-shirt with what our background was somewhere on the shirt. For example, mainstream attenders, deaf school attenders, cuers, oralists (former and/or present), one of MCE users, fluent/native ASL’ers, CI users, etc, etc. This will be a powerful message to the world as it’ll show that all from different upbringing have reached the same desire and mission that none other can achieve. Signed language (ASL), has brought us all together in our country and for its culture provides a magnetic feel to the whole experience just as other signed languages have for each country worldwide.

  6. Sandi says:

    Wow, you did make me tears and how true. what’s important about International Deaf and Sign Language. we all need that, right? 🙂 Can’t wait to celebrate on special day; September 29th. Thanks for the inspiration. Cheers!

  7. Jay says:

    Nice Vlog! Really Enjoyed how the colors changes that reflects on our feelings about Sign Language and oppression. I felt liberated from oralism at the age of 14 when I learned ASL at MSSD right after the DPN movement. Ever since I’ve always fought for our rights to have sign language in all settings. As well as providing qualified interpreters in various of settings. I look forward to see the black tees that will rock the San Diego Community on the 29th. 😉

    Very innovative way to share with us!

    Keep up the good work! I’ll view more in the upcoming days.

  8. Kevin says:

    I find myself in a custody battle with my ex-wife when all of a sudden – my 4 year old niece shows me some “sign languagage” learned in pre-school. She showed me the letters “f” and “m”. While I wondered how she knew these 2 letters, (maybe some new song?) even though I knew she had it perfect. Jenna even showed me to “fold my thumb under my ring finger), it brings strong memories of teaching my children to ‘SIGN” long before they could actually speak. What a great feeling! Even from public school.

  9. Peggy Prosser says:


    It’d be really very nice to see if we can make it international.

    Anyway, how do I join?

    — P.Prosser