Deaf Evacuees at Qualcomm Stadium – 10/24/07

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 at 12:00pm.

Good afternoon, my name is Elizabeth Fry. I want to report to you all from Qualcomm, 3rd day of evacuation. Today, we have new Deaf evacuees here at Qualcomm. Yesterday we interviewed several Deaf people who evacuated and today we will interview new evacuees soon. Thank you.

(Showing video of Deaf people and interpreters interacting with each other at a booth in Qualcomm)

I’m Darla, from Ramona. My roommate and I decided to leave (evacuate) but my roommate wants to go and I wanted to stay. I agreed that it’s best to leave. At 5AM on Monday morning (Sunday night we packed up to evacuate) we left home. We desperately tried to figure out where to go so we ended up at a friend’s home to stay one night. Then yesterday (Tuesday) we had to go over to my sister’s home and stayed overnight. This morning we left because my sister has a very small place. We saw on TV news that provided more information that DCS is at Qualcomm, providing interpreting services and I saw several deaf people are there. So we came here. We had to evacuated from Ramona. For 3 days we had to evacuate from home because of fires that is still happening. Yesterday I drove on Hwy 67 and I couldn’t get in, it was closed. So it’s still happening. I am not sure if it’s still happening. I am still waiting for FEMA to have update information about the fires and my home in Ramona. I feel tired, depressed/down, frustrated, stress. I am happy that there are services here and I am happy to be here. It really helps a lot and help me feel relief. My roommate Germaine and our dog and cat are with me. The cat and dog are at H-3 in Qualcomm where they had to wear special collar so they can be taken care of while we are getting what we need here. They told us they will take care of the animals and I still go and check on them to make sure they are ok. Maybe I will be sleeping here tonight. I hope I will not be homeless because of what happened at Ramona. Where will I go? I guess I’ll sleep here tonight.

Transcript by: Elizabeth Fry


  1. jJoe says:

    Consider check this twitter out at

    He does marvelous job covering the San Diego Fire and he did include vlog for deaf people somewhere on his website. Explore and you will find website in his profile.

  2. Misha says:

    I’m glad to hear most of deaf are safe, especially Tom Dunn that I know very well from our school. We’ll keep praying for you and your family, Dunn family and other deaf’s safeties and homes being intacted and safe. We’ll keep watching any news in your blog/vlog daily.

    Misha 😀

  3. K Cook says:

    My prayers are with you all that your home are still safe..Wow I couldnt believe how horrible experience on huge fire and feel so bad for people who lost their homes.. God Bless you 🙂

  4. Hi, Elizabeth,

    I’m not able to access your vlog. I’m curious…do you know how many deaf evacuees are there at Qualcomm Stadium? At other evacuation areas? What is the status today at Qualcomm? I saw on news that some evacuees are being permitted to go back to their homes and salvage what was left of their houses. Let us know, thank you.

  5. Oi!tudo bem.I am estava vendo tudo video.que é inteligente!eu gostei muito de video aprendi saber pouco video asl.mas eu vou viajar para Estados Unidos.Quero conhecer visitar no Gallautet.Um grande abraço forte e unidos DEAF!

    Oi! Everything bem.I am was seeing everything video.que is clever! I liked much of ASL video .. I learned know little video asl.mas I will travel to the Unidos.Quero known visit in Gallautet . big hug A strong and united DEAF!

    (Portuguese to English by

  6. Bijaya Shrestha says:
