Deaf Evacuees at Qualcomm Stadium – Firestorm 2007


(11:45 minutes) Video hosted by
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Transcript coming soon..


  1. David says:

    Yes, I’ve seen press conference where there is ASL interpreter right there. That’s good. Hopefully all long-distance buses from CSDR will be able get through and arrive to the final destinations since they have to leave two hours early than normal schedule today.

    En route from CSD Fremont, we saw an enormous huge of smokes over the summit near Santa Clarita (Magic Mountain area) with high wind. Then, it became worst! yike! Funny, it happened same weekend when we went to CSDF 4/6 years ago!

  2. LaRonda says:


    This was such an important video to share. Thank you. It will become part of Deaf history. Is there any way we can help the deaf community impacted by these fires in San Diego if we live in another city or state? Are you and your family safe?

    ~ LaRonda

  3. Rick M says:

    I will enroute to LA on my run in Nov. forward Fremont from Kansas. I am hoping the fires will be out soon and I am hoping deaf community in southern california will get support from this video. That is great to set up interpreter services ahead and be prepare for the worst . It will help deaf community to feel comfortable and know what to do.

  4. Tayler says:

    Watching the local news, I noticed that the newscaster stood in front of a booth with a sign that read “Interpreter for the deaf” and saw some deaf people 🙂

    Hope you’re okay.

  5. Faithful Reader says:

    Thank you for posting this vlog. It is a very important piece to share with deaf community. It gave me some hope that something positive can be created for the displaced deaf people in this situation. Hope all is well with you.

  6. hello…
