Facts about San Diego Firestorm 2007 (Guest Vlogger: Amy Scheir)

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Facts about San Diego Firestorm 2007
*San Diego Population: 1.25 Million
*513,000+ evacuated – the largest evacuation in state history.
*300,000 acres burned
*Wind was reported blowing at the speed of 21 to 35 mph in some areas today whereas some had gusts of up to 100mph earlier in the week
*Over 1,500+ homes and other building were either damaged or destroyed
*Only 5 deaths
* ~21 firefighter have been injured
*Wild Animals Park animals are safe from the fires
*San Diego Map, check out CBS8.com (see left column for google.map)


  1. Deb Ann says:

    Praying for those for their safety, comfort, and support. Thank you for sharing this vlog to us!

  2. Lantana says:

    Thank you for this! A wonderful and timely presentation!


  3. Bobbie LeFors says:

    I have been trying to open your Vlog many times. No luck! Can you tell me why? Smile!

  4. Jon Savage says:

    Hello Bobbie,

    Have you update quicktime software yet? if not still work then Click “Click on YouTube”


  5. P. says:

    Hey I hate to say this but Amy got an important fact wrong. There aren’t 1.25 million people in SD. According to the 2006 census there are approx 2.9 million people in SD and according to predictions by the county there are 3.1 million residents as of now. So 513,000 evacuated = 16.5 % of San Diego was evacuated and I think Amy was confused with the population. I think probably 1.25 million people live in the City of San Diego limits and less than 50,000 people were evacuated from the city limits, most of the people were from the other cities in San Diego County. Just wanted to clarify that but yes it was a big tragedy and a lot of people confused and worried that people who lived in the city were in danger when the fire was eating up the county, not the city itself. I think this fact is important to correct so not to exaggerate because from watching the Vlog someone would think half of SD was evacuated and make people more worried when the fact is that most of the county’s country outskirts burned while most of the inner city limits was relatively safe and only exposed to bad smoke. My heart goes out to everyone at the Q now. I hope we will help those who have lost their home get back on their feet.

  6. Dan Crisham says:

    Out here in New Jersey….we pray and hope for everyone’s safety and the fire must go out soon !! Its a tragic sight to see and heartbreaking !!! Thanks Amy for your time to VLOG the facts etc !!! Stay safe out there San Diego !!!!

  7. Amy says:

    P – No don’t apologize. We’re not all perfect. You’re right the population I mentioned of 1.25 million was the CITY of San Diego (source: sandiego.gov). Thank you for giving us the more actuated number.

  8. Brenda says:

    My heart pours out to the people of San Diego. My main concern are for the wildlife birds such as hawk, falcon and eagle and are they in extinct? pls let me know how can I help those wildlife birds to survive in this firestorm? I am a bird lover and will always be a Bird Advocate. II do find this website awesome information even though I am not from San Diego. My prayers goes out to you all. May God bless your courage and strength to move on.

  9. Amy says:

    Hi Brenda,
    I’m a animal and bird lover. As far as I’m concerned, I haven’t heard anything regarding to any injury to any birds. I normally check out few website from locally such as http://www.wildlifeassist.org, projectwildlife.org, etc…
    UPDATE ON WILD ANIMAL PARK (WAP) ANIMALS: Despite the fact that more than 600 acres of the WAP’s 1,800-acre property succumbed to flames, the park suffered minimal losses. Of the more than 3,500 animals, an endangered bird and wild equine species , were lost due to complications from the fire.