Firestorm 2007: Report from Board Chair of DCS of San Diego


  1. LaRonda says:


    Thank you for sharing this video from DCS. Kudos to them and to you for making this accessible to so many. We are all with you in heart and in spirit! We pray that individuals and families are able to rebuild their lives and return to their homes safeguarded.

    ~ LaRonda

  2. DeafPoet says:

    To the staff of DCS of San Diego: I wanted to tell you how FABULOUS you all have been, how very grateful we are for your news, esp to Jon Savage who kept us up to date with the Fire Storm in San Diego! I hope everyone is safe and has been kept informed via friends, videos such as Jon Savage’s. We are also GRATEFUL for the sacrifices of your interpreters to stay with some of the evacuees at Qualcomm and other places as well.

    I would like to know if there’s a possibility that when you share the info with the Federal, that we, from every states in the USA also need all the info, if that should happen to us back east, mideast, north, south, everywhere. If we need to set up on our own in every state that we live in, then can you tell us how we can go about doing it?

    I do not know if there were any Deaf or HOH people that had some difficulties when Hurrican Katrina hit New Orleans a couple years ago as it was so devastating to many people! What you are all doing, is just FANTASTIC and I applaud you all for doing such wonderful jobs!! That’s what we call “community”!

    Thank you all for all your BIG hearts to help out everyone that needs help!! BLESS YOUR HEARTS!!!!!
    Hugs to every one of you!! Be safe!!

    To Jon Savage: THANK YOU for sharing every news and videotapes of what’s going on with the evacuees and their well being and for letting us know how hard DCS staff have worked hard, sacrificing their times to help others! You’re all amazing, working together!! That’s the spirit we all need in times of needs, at all times! Keep on vlogging Jon, you’re doing great! Thanks again!!

  3. anon says:

    I noticed, when going over online updates for LA, OC, and SD that whenever contact numbers were given, NONE were provided for TDD. It made it difficult for me to find some information — SD had the KPBS radio station which put out a constant twitter feed for what was going on and that was marvelous. But I live in Orange County, and could find nothing comparable. I’m going to contact the County Sheriff dept and see what can be done about how to get timely information out…


  4. Deafpeace says:

    I did caught an interpreter for so brief on CNN T.V. obviously very clear signer but I do not know for in your local T.V. of San Diego were full show or not ?????? Let San Diego people answer to that . I am from east coast, sorry.
    hand wave for who work so hard and bring their pride and God Bless You ALL


  5. naisioxerloro says:

    Good design, who make it?

  6. Jon Savage says:

    Hello naisioxerloro,

    Can you explain by what you mean by good design? The website or video clip?