Photos of Deaf Evacuees at Qualcomm Stadium


  1. Nick Vera says:

    Thank you for making your great effort to reveal the photo scenes of Qualcomm Stadium. It was very touching and inspiring to witness the whole thing. Praise for DCS with their best effort to provide the communication to be accessible for deaf and hard of hearing evacuees. I think NAD should recognize this organization for our national deaf community.
    Applause! Applause for DCS!


  2. cheree mull says:

    It gave me goosebump to see those photos !! Good Jobs ! I am praying for their back to normal life or build a new life . I couldnt believe the arsonists did made the horrible crime ! Glad they are caught !! I wish i could help you all but i am in east coast . By the way, I saw u at Gally Homecoming . I didnt come to you . I didnt want to bother you . U were busy talking with friends …

    written by Cheree Mull

  3. DeafKathy says:

    I am so happy to see there is resource, supports and many more for evacuees to make their life easier. Heartfelt!

  4. pictures says:

    thanks. gree