Evolution in Deaf Technology (ASL VLOG)

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Tags: DeafNation, VPAD, Blackberry, Pomona, 4/12/08


  1. deaf swedish says:


  2. deaf swedish says:


  3. Davy says:

    Deaf Swedish ….. That is so cool …. I have not seen it yet…… yep bummer behind USA.


  4. Amo says:

    Hi Deaf Swedish,
    I’ve heard about 3G Videophone YEARS ago and saw it on the news that Euro had them. I was like HELLO America, how come we don’t have em’ yet? One day, we will have them, it’s just a matter of when!!! As soon as it comes out, I will HAVE one in my hand.
    See link to see what 3G Videophone looks like:
    Good day,

  5. Jon Savage says:


  6. deaf swedish says:

    Yes yes yes because of American banned monopoly business that is why who should owns the pole thing? Hoped that I understand right. Tell me about it because I love to learn.I knew USA can have it long time ago. I understood that only military do have it, 3G. Can not wait because I can talk with american!!!!!!! Because I do love USA!

  7. Billy says:

    yes, During Austria Deaf Tennis Open 2005 in Austria, I met Deaf man from Sweden that he showed his vidoephone with tiny TV with camera. It is more easy to use videophone to communicate thru with his deaf friends. How lucky. I don’t understand why USA doesn’t have any kind of that one. When they announced that VPAD is coming soon. I am honest with you. I prefer use vidoephone over VPAD. oh well!! {:-\


  8. Deaf Pixie says:

    That’s cool.. Learn from Deaf Swedish.. Thank you for educating us! Right on, Lenois?

  9. Chunky/Clunky says:

    I still think VPAD is a joke – at $699 retail.

    Yes right.

    I have been to Europe and everything slim, lightweight and high tech gadgets widely used. Cheap too. It means no big deal for them. What they missed out a lot is the closed captioning, interpreting services and jobs that America is generous to offer.

    People will look at more people using VPAD here in the USA- like they are special people. 🙂 I’ve seen them in Metro DC. One guy, that made me laugh, carried his chunky laptop, VPAD, and coffee at a LaVaZZa coffeehouse. Everyone kept asking him. I overheard them – they said that that guy was signing to the Plasma TV.

    Enjoy DeafNation Expo. Jon!

  10. Bobby says:

    Hey. Just wondering– did any of you get a call from HOVRS about the MVP? I got one yesterday and am wondering if others had the same call. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5W_xU9RjZM

  11. erin says:

    jon.. yup. we are blessed with such technology but i do think we’re way too b ehind still. deaf swedish knows what he s talking about. I have seen those 3G phones and used one during my last trip to Sweden back in 2005. I thought that by now, we’d be using 3G LIVE technology. Guess we need to wait a bit more. 🙁

    deaf swedish.. it was fun seeing you using teckensprak! 🙂 Thanks for the demo!

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