VLOG: A greeting card for Holly

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This video clip is a greeting card that Renny, Lenny, and I created for Holly. She was gone to Deaf Bilingual Coalition (DBC) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from June 27 to 30 for work.

This video clip was taken by digital camera then make into a vlog! This project took me 2 hours with the kids. It was a fun project from three of us!


  1. Holly Savage says:

    Awwww… thank you to all three of you!! Yes! I did felt welcome to home! That was such a nice & creative gift I ever had in a long time! It did make me cry!! I love you all three very much!!

  2. Eric Calbert says:

    Awww, cute one! I should do the same thing with my 3 girls! Welcome back, Holly!