DAW-San Diego ROCKS!

More info at DAW-SD

Tags: Deaf Awareness Week, Deaf Awareness Day, Sept. 26th to Oct. 3rd, San Diego, CA.


  1. Jeff says:

    I don’t know if it’s worth your effort, but would it be possible to give a few sentence summary? I am trying to learn ASL (during my limited time between school, work, and my other projects), but I am interested in what you have to say.

  2. Jon Savage says:

    Hello Jeff,

    DAW is Deaf Awareness Week that Im encourage to have other city copy the concept of Deaf Awareness Week if they don’t have one. Nice to have all DAW at same time on last week of Sept to become traditional for Deaf Community include festival. The world of people can recognize deaf people do have their culture to preserve of Sign Language!

    Additional info: People do know about Racism and Sexism cause no freedom for people but double for Deaf people. Deaf community do recognize “Audism” and it’s new word for share experience by Deaf people about their life. While most people aren’t receive educate about Deaf people and also not realized that Deaf people can survive without depend on any sounds!
