A DEAF Owner is in PAIN!

(Transcript in English)

Lately, I have been thinking about three things that bother me so much. Three things: Story from friends, News (Media), and vlog & blogoshpere. As well, I don’t want to give specific details of deaf owner because I respect their privacy, they already have shared their experiences, and/or their stories are copyrighted.

Now, my thoughts are to share with you about a deaf who owns a business. He/she tries to fit in society in the world where the businesses are that depend on English through speaking even though a Deaf people can show their English literacy.

If this story seems to be familiar to you about a specific person that you might know. My story is here to tell by several pieces of stories that I put together to share this with you.

A Deaf person establishes a new company to produce something that anyone can purchase. Often, a new company is tough to run however a conference could offer to anyone who they would like to learn how to run business better. For example; time management, less expenses/more profits, and improvement. A Deaf person is ready to learn but the conference is offering to speak more in English than literacy!

The conference isn’t interested to provide an ASL interpreter because the interpreter agency is too expensive! The conference might be aware of the law to require to provide one however they choose to not to follow the procedure! The Deaf person’s friend recommends to contact to an association and/or any Deaf community. The Deaf decides to hire an interpreter then bill to the conference. The conference refuses to pay then the association procrastinates to help the deaf with the law. After the conference being done, the deaf still have to face with the situation with the association and the conference about the interpreting issues.

The Deaf person is learning a lot from the conference and wants to invest to improve the business. However, he/she has to deal with the pain by having debts to pay for the interpreting services. The Deaf person wants to go to the conference again to learn the with excellent keynotes but the problem is he/she have to pay off the credit card first! The Deaf person would have to miss the conference.

What is the solution? How can a Deaf person could be motivated to establish a company? People can have positive thoughts and encourage themselves to make it happen!

Thank you!


  1. Joseph says:

    Um, I think a Deaf person who wants to open a business should be prepared to hire their own interpreter. It sucks, but the same would be true of any other culturally different person who needs to operate in a different language. And yes, it’s expensive. But we can’t fight and say we’re culturally different and then turn around and whine about being disabled. Yes, it’s not fair, and if life was a debate, you would win. But we both know life is more than a debate.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    But, the business owner is being denied important information at a conference. This is not about how he/she will have to communicate with his/her customers. Even if the person learns to speechread and speak it is still hard to auditorally obtain information from a conference (even I have trouble, being HOH). How else will this person get the information other than through sign language?


  3. Benno says:

    well, not all deaf people are capable to speak. And, even the person can speak, s/he will have hard time to follow any meeting and conference, right? Only interpreter will help to ease communication flow.

    I haven’t dig into this field, but I wonder if the deaf owner can deduct interpreter expenses from his/her annual tax return.
    As for conference, I made an experience myself. I planned to go to a hearing job fair (not NTID or Gallaudet) and asked whether the host will pay for the interpreter. No. So, I contacted NAD for some legal advises.

    Deaf people are capable of anything, the only problem is the communication. If your deaf owner friend needs interpreter for any conference, and the host refuses to pay for it, the owner could discuss with his/her interpreter friend (I mean an interpreter who is a friend also) to make up the time, e.g. invite for dinner, help out with renovation, etc. I know it shouldn’t be that way, but if the owner needs to visit the conference to gather more information for the business, s/he should try anything.

  4. Tim says:

    Hi Jon,
    It is nice to have an interpreter during conference in any business. For my business, I taught my secretary ASL or encourage her/him go ASL school that really help me alot. I have tried hire an interpeter but it hurt my pocket….smile Let me know if you or other guys have a solution!

    WNC, Inc
    5180 Naranja St
    San Diego, Ca 92114

  5. Jon Savage says:

    I removed Richard Rohem’s comment. I don’t accept his illogical comment relate to my topic.

  6. Jack says:

    I completely understand what you are talking about and I have been there before. It is more like, damn you do and damn you don’t. I have seen a business where offer great tools and resources for Deaf business owner but unfortunately, they do not respond quickly enough to offer accessibliity accommodation including interpreter and closed captions.

    The very idea of pursuing legal action is good, but in reality, you lose both counts. Even you get your laws on your side, it would be a very long time consuming on your part and it will hurt your business.

    If you or anyone have the magic wand to stive an independent deaf business owner, I am all eyes! Again, I can easily relate to what you are talking about!