ASL Comedy: Modem drove me crazy!

*What Jon would do when Modem down?

*How Jon could communicate with cableman?

*Was Modem actual problem or something else?

Tags: ASL Comedy Music VLOG Deaf


  1. InsaneMisha says:

    Dang, you managed to get the cable tech to come over the next day?!? How in the hell did you do that? I couldn’t get one over right away…..because I have to get an appt. schedule in one or two weeks! Argghh…sometimes I’d go “hissy” fits that made them scrambling and searching for one willing repairman to show up on the same day or even in the morning. That usually works for me most of time…not all the time. Once my modem went down for some reason here in this new place we moved in, that happened two months after we moved. I couldn’t figure out what went wrong. I called the cable. They said they’ll send one next week! I was so pissed off and had a hissy fits but they stood firm. I relented and took next week appt. I searched around and tried to figure out what went wrong. I pulled the area rug out and sure enough the cable wires were loose. So I tightened them and called the cable company to cancel the appt. without explaining why. We moved the furniture around and had to put the wires across the room that I have to put area rug over. I could have called the cable to send one over so he/she could move the wires around instead of laying across the room but I’m sick of them switching the schedules around on me.

    Damn you, lucky….


  2. Judge says:

    It happened to me once years ago when I had cable for high speed.. I barked at the cable company and they came next day to correct the problem (actually the problem was the same as yours — splitters).

    Originally, they plan to come in a few days later but changed to next day!

    Verizon FiOS (I am using now) is no better because they would send me a modem over the mail and had me to send the invalid one back. Lucky me, I am able to connect internet without it.