Audiology: Marketing Quotes

Jon went to AudiologyNOW! Conference 2010 in San Diego. He learns about Marketing quotes by business of audiology. Excellent idea for us create a marketing quote about Deaf culture and American Sign Language.

Enjoy slideshow of AudiologyNow! Conference.


  1. Chad says:

    I just want to clear for myself. My question is this Is AudiologyNOW Conference first time or many years?

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Indeed. Most companies find professional public relations and adversiting companies to be excellent investments. One can detect immense difference between a company without a PR/advertising firm and another company with the support of the PR/advertising. For some of our organizations operating on limited finances, we can seek pro bono professionals to do this part.

  3. Jon Savage says:


    AudiologyNow! Conference isn’t first time. First one was in 1989 then every year in different locations. The number of attendance are growing every years! They already plan for next conferences next years and going on until 2014!

  4. Jon Savage says:


    Can an organizations sell products? Is that conflict interested because of receiving fund from Uncle Sam? How about someone, who is experience and willing to teach Deaf people about business by ASL not through an interpreter or self-taught?

    I took Small Business Management course and I had to learn about hearing society to be fit in run a business. I almost lost of concept about business since they encourage to get in network with specific people, who is interested in business.

    Cycle of success (Company+Product+People) = $, If a cycle get bigger then more $$!

    Most common of customer interested in a business, provided service or product by Fast, Cheap, and High quality. However business challenge with customer by two out of three! Sample: Kia= Fast and cheap or Porsche = Fast and high quality!

    So, my question is… Can ASL marketable within cheap, fast, and high quality? hmm…

  5. Paul says:

    Hello Jon:

    You can do anything if you put your mind to it.

    It is a free enterprise system.

    You are allowed to make a buck!


  6. Liam Martin says:

    does anyone know a website or tutorial about business management ?`:*

  7. Robert Ahmed says:

    A very good marketing strategy is very important in promoting your products both online and offline.:”,

  8. Brody James says:

    does anyone know a website or tutorial about business management ?`:.