My Experience at Deaf Studies Today! 2010

(Transcript in English)

*Received lot of information for three days! Allure!
*Enjoyed and valuate movie! Allure!
*Social Networking and collaboration meet! Allure!

I deemed then shared the conference experiences and exchanged our point of view with a friend on the airplane (on way the home). I read the quote on tag attached tea bag (Yogi™):

Noble language and behaviors are so powerful that hearts can be melted.


More information about Deaf Studies Today! A Professional Conference at Utah Valley University.


  1. LaRonda says:

    Wow! Love the tea message. Like your haircut too. 😉

  2. Damion says:

    You the coolest dude in the world.
    Damion Jackson

  3. Marc says:

    That’s really funny and totally relevant to the theme at DST Conference! If I remember right, one of the lecturers said: “Three Methods to learning Wisdom: 1st- by Reflection, which is Noblest, 2nd-by imitation, which is easiest, and 3rd-by Experience, which is Bitterest.” I’m glad you enjoyed the conference. This was my fourth time attending it, and it was fun chatting with you only for like 10 minutes.

  4. Lipstick says:

    Great summary, Jon! I am glad you posted this so people know Deaf Studies Today is one of the BEST conferences EVER! xo Lipstick