Surf’s Up San Diego – Saturday, July 24th

Deaf Community Services of San Diego (DCS) is hosting an annual Summer Picnic and this year we’re offering surfing lessons to the Deaf community! Stay tuned for our next announcement plus flyer by visiting at DCS website

Translated and Transcript by DCS:

[Opens up to show Amanda with the ocean/beach behind her]


Hello all! Summer is upon us!
DCS wants to announce the annual summer picnic this year! We will have a summer picnic on Saturday, July 24! Save the date on the calendar! Not only we have a summer picnic, we also have something new this year! Pacific Beach Surf Shop is offering surfing lessons to the deaf community! What’s more, PBSS is generous enough to donate the proceeds of the surfing lessons to DCS!

I’ll let Jon Savage, who is working with PBSS, explain further about surfing. Know that he is Deaf and a surfer!

Please keep an eye out for next announcement with more information on the summer picnic.

[Fades away]

[Jon appears in surfboard room]
[Greets to the audience]


Howdy! [Shows hang loose greeting] Now you know that DCS is hosting “Surf’s Up San Diego” day! Let’s bring San Diego culture and Deaf community together! I’m glad to be a part of this community event –

Deaf…San Diego….Surf!

Now, let’s talk about surfing! After years of experience surfing myself, why not share this wonderful experience

With the deaf community?

If you want to learn and how to surf?

If you want to sign up for our surfing lessons provided by Pacific Beach Surf Shop,

We have forms for you to fill out either in person or online. Keep an eye out for our flyer and website coming up soon. We will provide volunteers fluent in ASL to provide instruction on surfing so you can learn how to surf! Imagine family and friends join you so all of you can learn together!

After surfing lesson is over, is it over yet??

No, not at all! There will be summer picnic nearby to enjoy the rest of your day!

[Amanda walks into picture and stands next to Jon]


Yea, we all will have fun at the picnic after surfing!

Or if you’re not taking the surfing lesson, picnic will last all day to meet old and new friends there! Food and drinks will be provided!

For more information on summer picnic and surfing lessons, please visit our website at DCS Website

[Both Jon and Amanda at the same time]

See all of you there!


Tags: Deaf ASL American Sign Langauage DCS surf beach picnic surfing deaf community services sign language fun 2010 Amanda Fish Jon Savage


  1. Jon Savage says:

    Hello Micky,

    My computer and Riffy seem not cooperate!

    Anyways, Thank you for left comment here! Yeah involving with Deaf Community to have individual’s experience or knowledge to contribute their time to Deaf people. They would be appreciate and able to motivate to have increase their experience or/and knowledge.

    I’m inspired by FUBU, is a clothing company as concept is excellent for African-Americans Community that can applying to Deaf Community. FUBU is stand for “For us, by us”
