Spanish Spices trip to Malibu: 2 Day

(No Transcript at this time)

Surfing at Malibu on SMALL Waves

Watch Douglas Ridloff during his rehearsal. Check out his website [Click here]

Second night at Deaf West Theatre. More info at [Click here]

Went to the bar with friends.


  1. vickie mannion says:

    i was wondering about the cynthia savage video on you tube, my mother saw it and was wondering if it was the same cynthia savage that was her 1st cousin. the cynthia savage my mother knew was the only daughter of elizabeth and donald savage in kannanoblis, n.c.

  2. Jon Savage says:

    Cynthia Savage (Sanchez) was born and raised in Oakley, CA. She didn’t travel to Eastern much. Her parents’ names aren’t Elizabeth or Donald. She must be different person and just happened to have same name.