Artwork: PRO-HANDS

Pro-Hands! Hands are multitasking! ASL – one of many to lend hand on make a difference! Technology is working better on hands that also replaceable by a second!

Jon Savage’s quote,”I hold my creative as I hold my soul until ASL got introduced. I follow my passion and pursue my art through ASL as thrive!”

I joined the campaign “#LiesAGBellToldMyParent” printed banner on my social media (facebook & twitter). You (Deaf/ally) can join the campaign use this link to print banner [click here]

Follow twitter: #HB1367 and #LiesAGBellToldMyParent
Like facebook: Indiana Deaf Education Coalition

Tags: oppose HB1367 Indiana American Sign Language Deaf Equality Human rights

One comment

  1. patti says:


    champ artwork – love the colors and composition

    solidarity fist / outstretched hand

    we r DEAFinitely a pro-hand people and they be anti-hand which is down right dumb and unjust of ’em

