Cartoon: HB1367

“5 minutes drew on a white board”
That’s what HB1367 look like!
Lighthouse = Deaf school
Light = outreach
Boat = Deaf children
HB1367 bill MUST die!

Jay Krieger’s ASL vlog,”Whats up with HB1367?”

This vlog introduces viewers to HB1367, explaining what it is, where it is in the legislative process, and some reasons why we should stop that bill.

Tags: ASL American Sign Language Deaf Indiana School for the Deaf ISD


  1. Here is my only question….can ISD provide UNBIASED services and support for ALL deaf and hard of hearing kids in Indiana, regardless of their communication language or mode? Do they provide free AVT as well as ASL? Do they teach families Cued speech if that is their choice? The law requires that someone provide an appropriate (and FREE) education for ALL deaf kids, not just those who use ASL. Is ISD meeting the needs of those kids too?

  2. Jon Savage says:

    Hello Miss Kat’s mom,

    May I suggest for you contact to Indiana School for the Deaf (ISD) and ask those questions. I do believe they would be happy to give you all of those answers. More info at

    Excellent letter sent to Representative Behning which you can check out on the blog: