Apple for Chicklet (ASL VLOG)


I want to share with you about my video project with my daughter, Renny. We did produced a video together for my class at UCSD: Digital Art Center’s Video, Sound, Motion Graphic program. This video clip is required to have a film that runs in 90 seconds and the topic is related to “Animals” plus have music in background.

I’m proud of Renny that she created her story then she signed in American Sign Language (ASL) then her voices were overlapped. She is one of the role models for “Kids of Deaf Adults” (KODA).

Here is the transcript:

I’m telling you a story that it’s called, “Apple for Chicklet”.

I moved here 5 months ago and I can see Chicklet and Jake that they were friends for 8 years

I can see that Chicklet and Jake are happy together

Until Jake had to leave and I can see that Chicklet was sad and lonely

I do know how to make Chicklet happy

Chicklet’s favoite food is an apple

I can see that Chicklet runs around and be happy again

Jon Savage

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Answered to WHAT, WHY, WHO, HOW, WHERE, and WHEN about American Sign Language in 34 seconds!

Click on video comments from

My video clips is on DeafNation News #14 – SPECIAL EDITION (Best video clip of week)

Tags: American Sign Language, Deaf, Community, America, Vlog, ASL

California Educators of the Deaf (Cal-ED) Promo – 2009

More info at

Written and Host by Erin Oleson
Directed, cinematography and edited by Jon Savage

What’s RSS 2 (ASL VLOG)

Re-visit What’s RSS that I was explaining about it on July 24, 2006. I would suggest you click this video “What’s RSS (ASL VLOG)” then watch this vlog.

Tags: igoogle, blogline, deaf community, ASL, American Sign Language, News

I was saved by… (ASL VLOG)

Do you want to proof? Click THIS!!

Video Comments from DeafVideo.TV


This is project based on what I learn from books called “Final Cut Pro 6” by Apple Pro Training Series and Video Basics 5 by Zettl. Also, I learned in class at Digital Arts Center – UC San Diego Extension: Video, Sound & Motion Graphics. I did an experiment with chroma keyer, Color Corrector, Soundtrack Pro, Marker for set up on clips and music on this video clip through Final Cut Pro software.

During winter break, I shot videos in two different time and location. I walked around Hollywood, CA while people didn’t notice that I did video shoot in Dec, 2008. 2nd video clip shoot in my garage from last night with green screen.

Here, I hope you enjoy this video clip and make sure click on “HQ” on the screen for high quality:

Video comments from DeafVideo.TV

We are Deaf: One and Many

Thank to MishkaZena that she had a great idea about this vblog to included everyone, who believes in quote:

“Ask not what your Deaf Community can do for you; ask what you can do for your Deaf Community.”

More info at Mishkazena’s website

Tags: Leadership, ASL, Inspiration, Moving forward, Fun, Focus, Flexible, Friendly, Fast

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Remembering Cynthia Ann Savage



My life with my mom for 36 years:

Cynthia Ann Savage (Sanchez), my mom, who raised me. She had spoiled me so much spoiled and she taught me all about “love” in many different ways than one way of communication. I always have felt her free spirit with her life. She was very strict about hugs and kisses that were NEVER enough for us! A couple years ago, the unfriendly cells came in her and they were slowly destroyed her free spirit but no one can stop us for kisses and hugs! My emotions and frustrations with my mom in communication were on the roller coaster.  Eight years ago, my mom and I finally found a better way to communication by using Video Relay Service and corresponding through emails.  We became better friends than just a mom and son relationship.

I welcomed my mom in my dream on Dec 23rd.  All she did was that she wanted to show me how great Flamenco dancer she was in her spirits. The dream continued everyday and it did drive me crazy because my mom wouldn’t stop dancing. I could feel her tiredness from dancing after one week. Her make up were starting to fade away by sweating and her hair got soaked. She was so stubborn to keep dancing and that’s when I finally realized how much she missed dancing when she was a little girl.  The next day, I got email from my dad and I realized that my mom disappeared from my dream!  I was smiling that she did the last dance with my dad on New Year’s Eve!  I shared my dream with her grandparents, my mom’s parents, and both of them agreed with me about her dancing. She was the DAMN best flamenco dancer in the world!

My parents and I had so much love while we journey in our lives. When I was young, I could imagine my parents that they would grow old together just as I witnessed my great grandparents and grandparents.  Both of them have been married together over 70 years.   It broke my heart that I won’t see my parents grow old together and my dad lost his other half.  My mom gave so much love and comfort to my dad and me. She touched my heart when she saved her last breath on a special day to celebrate New Year’s Eve with my dad. I hope my mom’s spirits will be around and comfort my dad while taking his tears away.

My dad and I spent great quality time together to work on my mom’s memorial services for 4 days. The 4 days were the greatest experience I ever had because I was there for my dad to support him during his grief.  I was honored that I could listen to his stories about my mom.  My dad and I had so much patience to each other while the time went by.  My dad went through a very difficult time when we all went up North California for my mom’s memorial service and he had to face my mom’s family.  I was so glad that I could be there for my dad and my mom’s family to comfort and grieve with them.  My mom’s death made a huge impact on my mom’s family because they all witnessed a full circle of life.  She was the youngest in her family.

I had the best lesson learning about different things from my mom in the past. I’m going to pass on to my children what I have learned from my mom and explain to my children about love.  In the future, I hope we will keep continue to pass on our love to the next generation and tell all of our children about our history in Spain and Ireland.

Written by Jon-Lenois Savage

“Don’t miss an opportunity to make and share special moments together and take lots of photos of those moments. I was lucky; it was always easy to make Cynthia smile. The time always comes too soon when you realize that there are no more opportunities to make special moments together and that all you have are the memories and the photos. Share every day – every moment together as though it was the last one because, sadly, they don’t last forever.”

“She lives Forever in our hearts”

Written by Oran-Lenois “Len” Savage, my dad

Cynthia Ann Savage (Sanchez)
2/11/1949-1970 – Oakley, CA
1970-1975 – San Bernardino County & Orange County, CA
1975-1985 – Tulare County (Visalia), CA
1985-1/2/2009 – San Diego, CA

For more pictures of her and more please go to my dad, Len’s site at Thank you.

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My birthday wishes came TRUE (ASL VLOG)

(3:54 minutes) Video hosted by

Tags: San Onofre State Beach, Surf, Chargers Football games, 12/28/08, ASL VLOG, Birthday Party, and hang out with friends.

My Dad’s ghost story (ASL VLOG)

(6:52 minutes) Video hosted by

No transcript at this time.

tags: Ghost, Halloween, Storyteller, American Sign Language, 10/30/08, Jon Savage