Lenois.com: 1st anniversary

Happy anniversary to Lenois.com!


I couldn’t believe that I have done blog and vlog for one year already! I would love to share with you about my experience that 17 vlogs were impacted on Lenois.com. After you watched this vlog then there are 17 links that you can check out plus there are special features as special thanks to assistants, bloppers, and behind scenes.

Enjoy them ALL!

(3:29 minutes) Video hosted by videoserver.us

Special Features
Special thanks to Eric Calbert, Jared Evans, and Matt Ellis
(2:06 minutes) Video hosted by videoserver.us

#1 5/31/06, First Video on the internet

#2 6/16/06, Became the vlogger

#3 7/13/06, First post on Deafread.com

#4 7/15/06, L3nois’ best vlog of 2006

#5 8/20/06, Bye L3nois.blogspot.com , Hello Lenois.com

#6 10/6/06, First advertise for CAD

#7 10/26/06, 20 vlogs from digital camera then switched to Mini-DV

#8 10/30/06, First commercial

#9 11/14/06, Jared Evans & Matt Ellis were my first assistants for “My First exposure to ASL”

#10 11/25/06, “Street Interview” at Deaf Awareness Day, San Diego, CA

#11 12/5/06, Won for best concept of Deafread.com vlog contest!

#12 12/5/06, First Vlog without use ASL or face!

#13 1/28/07, First Vlog by outside!

#14 2/3/07, First Newspaper, front page!

#15 3/11/07, “Can a deaf person deliver pizzas?” was posted on Deafnewspaper.com

#16 4/2/07, First Vlog away from home

#17 4/29/07, First job opening announcement on vlog


  1. Bug says:

    It was pleasure to watch your vlog since you started the first time.. Congratulations on your 1st anniversary. May the past happy memories be a prelude to future memories.

    Keep up!

  2. Judge says:

    Fantastic story!

    Congratulations for an one year accomplishment!

    Many more to come…

  3. kira says:

    ohhh i love it so much! it is so great to make previews so everyone remember u well! see ya again 🙂

  4. Fookem says:

    I love it so much! You are very creative person. Keep it up. 😉

  5. Stitch says:

    Congratulations!!!! Keep it up!
    ASL is ALIVE!!!

  6. Well done, Jon, well done!

    Happy 4th of July. – D.

  7. MikeS says:

    Congrats. I enjoyed both videos above, lotta work for creative fun!

  8. JohnABC says:

    Response to Jon: CLICK HERE

  9. Jana says:

    Jon, I have enjoyed your vlogs since the beginning. You’re a talent and a lot to give to the community. Thanks for being you, Jon and keep vlogging!

  10. LaRonda says:

    Jon, that was soooo creative! How nice to have Jared and Matt out there with you taking this walk down memory lane. Loved the bloopers and behind the scenes too. Makes it all so much more personal. You’re such a neat guy! Thanks for sharing your life and your vlog journey with us.

    ~ LaRonda

  11. Tamara says:

    Congrats on your 1st anniversary. You are very awesome.



  12. deafpeace says:

    I love your vlog so much because your body language easy to notice and face funny experssions 😀 KEEP UP!!

  13. Congratulations! Amen to the statement honoring ASL!

  14. Hey man:

    1 year has passed. Soon it’ll be 5 years. Treasure your moments with your site. I did!



  15. human editor says:

    congrats on your lst annversary.
    Congrats for being promoted to HUMAN EDITOR in 12 mos! WOW

  16. Cousin Vinny says:

    Pretty nifty video! Very creative. Congrats on your one-year anniversary.

  17. Hana says:

    As a late-comer to your vlog, it was really neat to see your 1st Anniversary vlog. Congratulations on your anniversary! You sure have done a lot.

  18. Jac says:

    Congrats! Enjoyed your bloopers, it was a good laugh. An Excellent creative! Keep it up.

    Enjoy your relaxing, safe, happy July 4th with your wife & family.

  19. Destiny Carson says:

    i like your video very cool smile…..i love it smile…………….yeah i am so proud ASL Forever smile….HAPPY anniversary! SMILE…..I WAS SOOO LAUGH SMILE…..Keep up never give up smile

  20. Very cool vlog!!

    Congrats 🙂


  21. Barb DiGi says:

    Great job and congrats! A lot of things have happened in a year especially when you are involved as a vlogger, heh! Great to see how you are positively impacted as a vlogger. Keep it up and look forward to more of yours!

  22. dimsum says:

    wowie and congrats! 🙂 keep it up!!

  23. Gary Brooks says:

    Wow!!! what a year you have contributed to us! I personally always enjoy watching your stories! I am sooo thrilled to see Eric Calbert! my favorite! glad that he helped you with the videotaping. He’s a great guy!!! I thanked him for helping my old film “Scarecrow” I can’t imagine without his help! Eric did so much to help a lot of deaf filmmakers that I have been hearing this! All of you are sooo wonderful! congratulations and please continue to entertaining us!!! I depend your smiling face!

    I see you at the movie!
    Gary Brooks

  24. Joe says:


    Well done! My hats off to you!

  25. Jonathan says:

    Happy 1st Anniversary Jon!

    I stumbled upon your three sites (lenois.com, sddsurfers.blogspot.com, and rowdyvision.com) and I thoroughly enjoyed your sites. I even learned a few things: what a RSS can do for us, how Deaf people can surf and deliver pizzas, and what ASL (a language that I’ve been learning and immerse with since the fall) can offer as a language (i.e. your metaphorical use of “brake” for your chance of learning ASL going from being stalled to being “on a go”).

    I really like the convenience that the RSS and bloglines.com bring for us. You inspired me to set one up for the blogs and vlogs that I like to check in. What a great tool this is!

    Ever since I have become curious about surfing when I was contemplating on going to Cornwall, England, over a weekend (which I never did) while studying abroad in England (out of all places in the world!), I wondered about how I could learn to surf, but I never pursued my curiousity that seriously. Now, you and your surfing friends have given me proof and hope that I can someday learn to surf. I’m not sure where though as there aren’t a lot of surfing places in the middle of Canada. Perhaps I have to come down to San Onofre, CA.

    I look forward to the many more vlogs that you add to your sites for the interesting and creative things that you share, the positive and enthusiastic energy that you exude in your vlogs, and the true ‘joie de vivre’ (that’s a beautiful concept in French which means a cheerful enjoyment of life) attitudes that you carry in your lives, or as it seems.

    Go on and celebrate well.

    Thank you,

  26. Belle says:

    Congrats! Keep on rockin’! That was fun viewing … and remembering!