Mini Documentary: A Taste of The Gallaudet Trip

(8:04 minutes) Video hosted by

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Gallaudet University’s Homecoming weekend – Oct. 17 to 21, 2007

DawnSignPress (DSP) sent six staff members to Washington DC to give them first-hand exposure to the world’s Deaf Mecca, Gallaudet University. DSP staffers met many friendly people on and off campus, were able to attend Homecoming activities, tour the campus, and meet DSP Scholarship winners for 2006 and 2007.

The experience was rich and rewarding, and DSP hopes to send more staff members to Gallaudet in the future.

This video clip isn’t provide transcript at this time.

Special Note:

Thank to Joe Dannis for making this happened. Also, thank to Laura Harvey and Matt Ellis for their excellent feedbacks.


  1. Jared Evans says:

    It’s great to see my former co-workers again! I enjoyed seeing you all on your trip here to DC and again on this vlog! Looks like you all had a great time while you were here. Be seeing you around!

  2. Toby Welch says:

    AWWWW! Thanks! It is a good memory. I went to Gallaudet University in 1989-1990. I am considering to take a few courses at GU for my doctorate program in 2009 or 2010 if LU accepts me in doc program. Thanks for sharing with us! Will be looking forward to going back to GU sometime in future.

  3. Dennis Bacon says:

    Excellent video made. We did bump each other few times there. Pleasure to chat a bit with you and Holly there. I know it was worth to visit Gallaudet. Keep visiting there.

  4. cnkatz says:

    This is the “harbinger of things to come.” Business, schools, and other institutions will learn to produce (almost like “daily routine”) videoclips, vblogs, live webcasting, and more unseen in their websites. Examples: schools can vlog lectures of their outstanding teachers for regional classrooms providing natural and vivid ASL anywhere, Businesses can post vlogs to advertise their products. A big et cetera . . .

    Jon (and Joe), you did a sterling example – a shining beacon of things to come. Bravo!

  5. Tayler says:

    Joe’s right, one needs to see Gallaudet University to understand deaf culture and appreciate its history.

  6. Davy says:

    Hi Jon,
    It is very nice of you show us this very good Video about many thing in this history and include Gallaudet College too and Guess what ….. I never been there before but I did apply for it and you know what they said to me “you’re not deaf enough” so it turn me off very quickly sad Iam. Back in old time is difference. Today much better. One of these day I must go to explorer around. For those you GUYS are luckly to go . I am sure you all have blast a good memory time. Way a go!


  7. Deb Ann says:

    wow, I am so glad for them to taste it there! Great experiences for them! I have been to Gally from 1985 to 1987 and I still have good and WILD memories of Gally and friends!

  8. DeafKathy says:

    Awesome! Congrats you all 6 staffs deserving the trip to Gally.

  9. […] service begins in a Teesside town to help deaf people book taxis more easily. (8 clicks) Mini Documentary: A Taste of The Gallaudet TripDownload: (8:04 minutes) Video hosted by videoserver…. Outi HeadphonesGood news for all of us living in crowded urban areas: you no longer have to crank […]

  10. LaRonda says:

    Wonderful documentary of first time experiences! The video is so well done. You’ve grown in your own filming skills, Jon.


    ~ LaRonda

  11. deafk says:

    Hi, Jon,

    We are grateful that Gallaudet University does exist!! Watching your video surely bring the memories to me. I am so glad you and the group had the opporunity to experience this such exhilaratingly mecca! Your boss was right about your needing to experience Gallaudet U, and you were lucky!! 😀


  12. Nick Vera says:


    WOW! What a great memory of recent event at Gallaudet! Thanks to Joe for their encouragement to allow your staffs from DSP to explore more great opportunity of the window of our university experience. And thank you for conveying this great story to our audience.
    Gallaudet is always belong everyone in their hearts including me by cherishing of wonderful memories and personal growth by classroom discussion, social gathering, friendly norm, and shining our college lives toward the star.
    I realized that your episode of current vlog consider the best one ever I watched in the year of 2007. Congratulations!

    Nick Vera

  13. Mishkazena says:

    It was really great meeting you and Holly at Gallaudet. I was impressed that your boss would send all of you to Gally, to get a taste what it’s like to be fully immersed in a Deaf environment. He has the right idea, that’s for sure!

  14. CJ says:

    Thanks for sharing. I am glad that your boss sent you and other staffs there and you all had so much FUN. I was a student at GU from 1979 to 1983 and my heart is still with GU!!!….have alot of good and wild memories!
    Merry Christmas!!

  15. drmzz says:

    Yes, you all look like tourists, big eyes and maps. LOL. Good experience for all within company.

  16. Jess says:

    Great video!! Thanks for sharing! I will arrive in D.C. by the new year and I can’t wait to visit Gallaudet!

  17. Barinthus says:

    Hey Jon! Thanks for sharing and wow nice of Dannis to do that! Wish you showed the Bison Song in full, I miss watching that but still a great vlog anyway! Thumbs up!

  18. Jac says:

    True, Fullest day of deaf world in Gally for 24/7! LOL.. I can imgaine that. Improved your ASL communication skills to turn into “PRO”! It was great to have few hearing Staff from DPS to learn about Gally. It is worth. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Holidays!

  19. dimsum says:

    I love how you edit this simple video clip! 🙂 Thumb up! Glad u all enjoyed your stay in DC! Hail to Gally World!!! 🙂