DBC Milwaukee Rally Footage #2 – Sunday

This 2nd video clip is produced by my friend, Doonsky that he went to Deaf Bilingual Coalition (DBC) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from June 27 to 30. This is where the LOVE is!

(8:25 minutes) Video hosted by videoserver.us

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  1. LaRonda says:

    Thanks for sharing this inspirational clip!


  2. deafk says:

    Thanks for sharing this video with us!! 😀

  3. freddy Kruger says:


    Nice clip!!! Milwaukee Journal’s reporter has discovered that 73% of DBC Protesters are receiving SSI or SSDI oppose to AG Bell’s with 5%. Embarrassing! HBO is doing documentary about deaf on SSI in the USA. This reporter is closely related to the director of this movie.
    Sacramento County holds 80% on SSI and SSDI which is one of the highest in the nation but average in the nation is 76%. Culturally deaf population is less than 500,000 in the USA therefore there’s only 150,000 working deaf americans in the USA.
    DBC could have done better and they’re making themselves fool. I’ve lost my confidence in DBC. I don’t see Joey Baer, I don’t see Hilbok, I don’t see well known keynotes…I don’t see any promising land of DBC. As a tax payer myself, I’m pissed to see many deafies on SSI and not trying hard enough to represent our community. They should be shameful!

  4. Jean Boutcher says:

    Thanks for a wonderful videoclip! Will you show a videoclip of each of the six presenters named
    Kuntze, Boudreault, Scoggins, Bienvenu, Kannapell, and Genie Gentrz. It is verrrrrrrry important to preserve videoclips for future generations to see. Look at the oldest videoclips of George Veditz,
    and Edward Miner Gallaudet. Looking forward to seeing more of your videoclips taken in Milwaukee.
    If you did not take any, would you know who took them? AGain, thanks, Jon.

  5. Barb DiGi says:

    Thanks for a great videoclip!

    To freddy krueger: You said: “Milwaukee Journal’s reporter has discovered that 73% of DBC Protesters are receiving SSI or SSDI oppose to AG Bell’s with 5%. Embarrassing! HBO is doing documentary about deaf on SSI in the USA. This reporter is closely related to the director of this movie.”

    I would be very interested to learn where did you get the source about the statistics also the upcoming documentary. Let’s say if it was true, the DBC participants are mostly the products of AG Bell anyway. AG Bell always keep the “star” oralists that they exploited them to the public making them think that oralism is what made them successful. Don’t forget that oralism was declared a failure from the Babbidge Report and that bilingual boosts cognitive skills and literacy skills.

    We have many well known Deaf individuals including 6 presenters with PhD. involved in the movement and I don’t know why this isn’t moving enough to you. I just wish you went and see it for yourself instead of being so haste to make such conclusion.

    DBC has empowered and enlightened hundreds and hundreds of participants and it is a shame for you to miss this opportunity to experience it yourself. DBC advocates the rights of ASL for Deaf babies and once they have developed a strong language foundation making learning English much easier and faster, it will be more likely that they will become more independent from welfare.

    By the way, haven’t you checked out Joey Baer’s vlog supporting DBC? Also, Greg Hlilbok asked DBC to present in the DPN celebration at Gallaudet a few months ago. We have many leaders coming forward supporting DBC because they know the value of exposing Deaf babies and children to ASL.

  6. johan says:

    Hey Barb!
    how are you?

    Holle my name is Johan Gustafsson here.
    Very good fine

    Yes good fine ok.
    year 2010 th 12 july to the of american in the usa!
    new job free usa set best ok.

    Feel barb.
    thank you
    johan for where for much on much engslih play good

    to the Los Angeles good fine.

    16373 BROMMA