PSA: I Love A Clean San Diego

Join “I Love A Clean San Diego” and San Diego Coastkeeper for the largest volunteer event of the year, taking place in over 70 coastal and inland cleanup sites countywide. Check back for updates on the event website at, where you can see results from 2008’s event and view this year’s registration information beginning in August 2009. Last year, close to 8,000 San Diegans joined together to take action for the health of the ocean and the community! We hope you will join these volunteers in Sept. 2009!

Holly Savage
Renny Savage
Jon Savage

Written, directed, cinematography and edited by Jon Savage
Music by Len Savage

Deaf Freedom Cruise 2010 Promo

John Maucere, Cruise Director
Deaf Freedom Cruise 2010
Exotic Mexican Riviera
Royal Caribbean

Written by John Maucere
Directed, cinematography and edited by Jon Savage

DAW-San Diego ROCKS!

More info at DAW-SD

Tags: Deaf Awareness Week, Deaf Awareness Day, Sept. 26th to Oct. 3rd, San Diego, CA.

The Intersection – trailer

“The convergence of MAN and ZOMBIE who is MONSTER?”

Todd Lyons and Joanna Skvarka

Editor by Bill Perrine
Writers by Meta Neuschuler, Bill Perrine, and Jon Savage
Director by Jon Savage

On 10/31/09

What if…?

Click for view at YouTube

Click for video comment at DeafVideo.TV

Come and Join us at International Day of the Deaf on Sept. 26th, 2009 at Kate Sessions park at Pacific Beach.

Organizations that support International Day for the Deaf:
Deaf Community Service of San Diego
San Diego Chapter of American Sign Language Teachers Association
San Diego Chapter of California Association of the Deaf


Renny Savage
Erin Oleson
Matt Ellis
Victor Valdez II
Marina Lavelle
Mark Cole
Bethany Hooten

Screen Writer & Translator
Matt Ellis

Director of Photographer & Video Editor
Jon Savage

More information at

Bruno Moncelle interviewed by Jon Savage

Click for view at YouTube or Facebook

Click for video comment at DeafVideo.TV


Hello, Welcome Bruno Moncelle to America from France. Jon Savage shares with the world about the short story about how they contacted with each other. About two years ago, Bruno announced about M.A.I.N.S. that it encourage deaf people to unity on International Sign Language Day. Jon was inspired about it and wanted to discuss with him with many ideas through video email.

Jon asked,”Do you remember that?” He said,”yes”.

Last Aug 1st, 2008, Bruno came to San Diego to give a presentation about M.A.I.N.S. that Jon grabbed an opportunity to meet up with him for a discussion.  Jon was fascinated with his presentation that gave out excellent information.  Jon decided to set up an interview with him so the world can see what’s happening with M.A.I.N.S.  Jon asked a few important questions on the video clip that might make you people to consider to get involved with this celebration. All right!

Jon: I do really enjoy your presentation.  It made me to think to ask what’s important to set up of the M.A.I.N.S.?

Bruno: It’s important that there are deaf people are strong from all over the world that do get involve with Deaf community. I have noticed that some of the Deaf communities have changed over the years. I noticed the same thing with my country which is France. Now, I have a great idea to have one place in the world that all deaf people can see each other to be able to unite.  Again, it’s another good reason for unity so Deaf people can celebration together.

Jon: That’s good! It’s important for all of us to understand.  Next question is what’s the goal to establish?

Bruno: I do have my goals that I believe deaf people can have empowerment. I had experiences with protests for the deaf people in France. They know my reputation for protesting about anti-Cochlear Implants, Government, and Doctors. I have educated them about deaf people that they have equal rights. I realized that I have done protesting in France for a long time and been focused in my country too long. I eager to have Deaf people to get involve with the world to make a different to help each other. I requested a proposal to the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) to have a special day for the celebration.  WFD thought it was a great idea to make it happen however they can not be responsible for this kind of event. WFD revitalized to many countries do make the best for their own deaf communities. I got involved to make it different and they support me because the event have positive feeling about what is best for Deaf people. Of course, Sign Language can be a unity through the world.  I grabbed the idea while deaf people are already using videophone, traveling, and website where Deaf people can communicate through M.A.I.N.S. website. Also they can follow the idea by M.A.I.N.S. that Deaf people can establish their own website then they can become strong and unity with others. Everyone in the world can represent to WFD that they can give best status to the United Nations to understand what Deaf people is all about and their equal rights. Ensure that we all have the same goals and we have great support by deaf people.

Jon: That’s a very good goal! What’s your plan to have people to get involve?

Bruno: I had an idea that it is a good time to have the event on the last week of Sept. WFD announced to have the celebration on the last week of Sept annually. They would like to set it up the anniversary when the WFD was established.  I highly recommend to have one week celebration instead of one day.  We start to celebrate from Monday to Sunday. The week will be included meetings, presentations, performances, and many different ideas can go together.  Everyone need to be aware about the celebration on the last week of Sept so we can expand the recognition of Deaf people and anyone who are interested to celebrate with them. All of Deaf people can share about deaf community to the hearing society. Deaf people know that we have been focus ourselves in the deaf community too long but we need to be open to the hearing society once a year.  Hearing people can learn and can work with deaf people better. If Deaf community don’t open to the hearing society then when will the hearing people understand about deaf community? It’s possible that the deaf communities could be fade away. Compared with the Native Americans, they should have done represent strongly about themselves but now, they are fading away through out the history. I don’t want to see happen to the Deaf communities what the Native Americans went through.

Jon: Wow! Thank you! I am enjoying this interview!

Do you want to know more information about Bruno??  Jon encourage you to attend his presentation in San Francisco, CA on August 20, 2009. Don’t miss it!

(hands wave)

Mondiale des

Day of the

More links to get more information. Just click them!

WFD’s calendar: International Day of the Deaf

California Association of the Deaf

Where is Jon Savage?

Where Jon can video and edit at? If he done that then you can do it too! *smile*

Jon’s experience at DCARA’s Vblog symposium 2009

Jon wants to share two video clips with you about his experience at DCARA’s Vblog Symposium 2009 in San Leandro, CA.

The first video clip is for wine and cheese fundraiser at DCARA’s Deaf Community Center. Also, Jon realized that is 3rd anniversary.

Video Comment at about this video clip from above.

The second video clip is Jon share his thoughts about DCARA’s Vblog symposium with Deaf and ASL Community.

Video Comments at about this video clip from above.

This time no transcript available.

Multicultural:Deaf, Surf, and Foreign Cultures

Hello! I’m going to Hawaii on July 7th, 2009 that I will experience on multicultural (Deaf, Surf, and Foreign culture) during the World Deaf Surf Championship (WDSC) 2009 event. WDSC is expecting to have deaf surfers come from Australia, Basque, Brazil, England, Japan, Portugal, and Switzerland. Some from Uruguay, Israel, Ireland have 90% chance to come!  It’s possible that some other countries will come.

I will be involved in the surfing contest and will do some mini-documentary film by myself to intermingle with international deaf-surfers.

Michael Deobe, Some of us know him as wild boy with biggest smile and he had journey in the world by his pleasure. He brought us to the world that He offered us get together about deaf and surf culture to share and preserve! He rocks my world! I rode on best and long wave that one for him! Many of his friends are raise their head-hands-heart spirit to make sure to have last and best DJ party and Surf event in Hawaii are successful by his wish!


International Deaf Surfriders Association and WDSC 2009:

Untied State Deaf Surfriders Association:

San Diego Deaf Surfers Club:

Deaf Surf History:

Video comments from DeafVideo.TV

Lenois’ kitchen talk (ASL VLOG)

More info about DeafNation

More info about Deaf Freedom Cruise 2010

Last year, Vlog about “Evolution in Deaf Technology (ASL VLOG)”

Viddeo comments from

Tags: ASL, May 2nd, 2009, VLOG, DeafNation, Expo, Deaf Freedom Cruise 2010, Pomona, CA.