Transcript is at DCSOFSD.ORG
ASL by Thomas Dunn
Map of San Diego
Transcript is at DCSOFSD.ORG
ASL by Thomas Dunn
Map of San Diego
(ASL Vlog)
(2:33 minutes) Video hosted by
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3/25/07, Part one: Gallaudet and me (ASL Vlog)
Transcript by Holly Savage
I was born deaf and grew up orally. My family is so good to me except that I had a difficult time catching up with my hearing friends by reading their lips.
At age 14, my family and I saw this really cool flyer about deaf camp. I decided to go for myself and to kill my curiousty. When I got on the bus to deaf camp, I saw other deaf people using sign language and I thought I was too good for them because I could talk as a deaf person. When we split into groups at deaf camp site, I started to get to know the group better and felt more comfortable with the language and with them as well. After 1 week at deaf camp, I was a little bit sad that it was all over and wasn’t satisfied. I did enjoyed a great experience at the camp. I had a hard time to get back to my normal routine and talk again.
When I graduated from high school, I went to a community college and 1 year later, it was 1988. My family and I saw on the news about Gallaudet Protest. I was fascinated with the situation at Gallaudet and debated if I should attend to the university for myself or not?
Now, you all know that I’m with my husband, Jon. Jon was so lucky that he had the opportunity to go to Gallaudet for the first time this past spring. Now, it’s my turn to go after 19 years dream. Yay!!
(ASL Vlog)
(5:23 minutes) Video hosted by
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(No Transcript for ASL Poetry)
(5:20 minutes) Video hosted by
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(No Transcript for this time)
Remember International Sign Language day!
With a powerful picture, and the definition of audism! Show the world we are here to stay!
We have several shirts left!
(updated: 10/8/07)
10 men’s medium, 19 men’s large
1 women’s medium, 13 women’s large.
$15 for shirt, $5 for handling and shipping. Total $20.
Email your requests to with the subject line: T’shirt order.
Checks/Money orders accepted. Money order is best to ensure fast shipment.
Checks and money orders to CAD SD.
Send money to:
6490 Lanston st.
SD CC 92111
Special thanks to Laura Harvey and Aline Smith for their excellent job with video clip and photo slide show by Deaf Awareness Day and International Sign Language Day in San Diego, CA on September 29th, 2007.
(ASL Vlog)
Produced by Laura Harvey (video)
(5:35 minutes) Video hosted by
Produced by Aline Smith (photo)
(5:06 minutes) Video hosted by
¡Día internacional de las personas sordas! Tijuana, B.C., México
28 de septiembre de 2007
Parte 1
(3:24 minutes) Video hosted by
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Parte 2
(4:30 minutes) Video hosted by
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Hola aquí estoy en la marcha de sordos en Tijuana baja California y se ven con mas de 300 personas en Tijuana y ensenada con 150 personas participando la comunidad sorda y oyentes para defender el derecho a la LSM y celebrar el día mundial de sordos y elizeth Grijalva comenta que la marcha es por el día mundial de sordos con acuerdo de vestir de negro como símbolo de luto para demostrar al gobierno y la sociedad que si hay sordos y defensa de nuestros derechos y fin a la discriminación. Y llegamos al monumento a Lic. Benito Juárez García presidente de México que fue el primero en promulgar la ley federal de sordos para iniciar la educación al sordo y le hacemos honores a benito Juárez por ser el defensor de los derechos de sordos y ahora le pasamos a Rafael plascencia primer ex líder sordo de Tijuana que cuenta sobre la escuela nacional de sordos en tiempos de benito Juárez que apoyo a la educación al sordo gracias a un profesor sordo francés Eduardo huett para implementar la enseñanza de lengua de señas mexicanas a los sordos y esto apoyo mas y lastima que con el tiempo y cambios de la presidencia se acabo la educación al sordo y ahora pasa con el ex líder José dolores Domínguez para explicar la historia de apoyo a los sordos sobre la importancia en lsm y de la educación y luego Graciela rascon explica sobre el derecho a la educación que gracias a benito Juárez que fue el presidente de México que apoyo a los sordos y por la ley de sordos para seguir con la educación y el derecho a la lengua de Señas mexicanas.
Traducido de LSM al escrito en espanol por Cuauhtemoc "Temoc" Contreras Borbon (De Tijuana)
Video por Tod Carter (San Diego,CA)
Editado por Jon Savage (San Diego, CA)
Hello, I am here in the march of deaf people in Tijuana Baja California and they are seen with but of 300 people in Tijuana and Ensenada with 150 people participating the deaf community and hearing people to defend the right to the LSM and to celebrate the world-wide day of deaf people and Elizeth Grijalva comments that the march is by the world-wide day of deaf people with agreement to dress black like mourning symbol to demonstrate to the government and the society that if there is deaf people and defense of our rights and aim to the discrimination. And we arrived at the monument to Lic. Benito Juárez García that the president of Mexico was the first in promulgating the federal law of deaf people to initiate the education to the deaf person and we make honors him to benito Juárez be the defender of the rights of deaf people and now we passed to Rafael plascencia to him first deaf ex-leader of Tijuana who does account on the national school of deaf people in the days of benito Juárez that support to the education to the deaf person thanks to deaf professor French Eduardo Huett to implement the education of language of Mexican signs to the deaf people and this support but and hurts that with time and changes of the presidency I finish the education to the deaf person and now it passes with the ex-leader Jose Domínguez Dolores to explain the history of support to the deaf people over the importance in LSM and of the education and soon Graciela rascon explains on the right to the education that thanks to benito Juárez that was the president of Mexico that support to the deaf people and by the law of deaf people to follow with the education and the right the language of Mexican signs.
Translated from LSM to written spanish by Cuauhtemoc "Temoc" Contreras Borbon (Deaf Tijuanian)
Video by Tod Carter (San Diego, CA)
Edited by Jon Savage (San Diego, CA)
(4:12 minutes) Video hosted by
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Sorry, No Transcript this time.
Coming soon:
* Video clips and slide show of International Day of Sign Language Rallies in San Diego, CA AND Tijuana, B.C. Mexico!
* Video clip of ASL Poetry: The Lotus
(2:51 minutes) Video hosted by
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Hi !!
This is Michael and I’m deaf. I am Student at University of California, San Diego to becoming a teacher for the deaf children in the future. I’m excited to celebrate International Sign Language Day (ISLD) at Balboa Park Club as same day for Deaf Awareness Day (DAD).
International Sign Language Day is to remember the deaf people from all over the world, who suffer for not learning sign language by many schools that are not allow to use this method of communication. Now, we want to show our love from what we choose as to celebrate on special day.
How can we let the world to recognize us? We can wear black tee and you could wear your own or you can buy the printed tee that are being sold at San Diego California Association of the Deaf (SDCAD) booth at DAD event. It only cost 15 dollars per shirt and part of the money will donate to SDCAD.
We have been preparing to have the rally at 4 outside of the Balboa Park Club.We are inviting anyone, who want to give out a speech, poetry, and/or comment. If anyone do, please have them send email to Jon ( At the (ISLD) Rally.
We want to bring out a message to the world during the rally.
First part of Rally:
Open Celebration included speech, poetry, and/or comment.
Last part of Rally:
Everyone, who will wear knots around their wrists then we will chant
Look back
Yes, Yes, Yes.
Yes, Yes, Yes!
Now, Now, Now!
(pop out the knots)
(Hands up in air then remove theblack t shirts)
P.S. Jon will be making two announcements on the stage at 2 PM & 4 PM on Sat at DAD.
(5:30 minutes) Video hosted by
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San Diego American Sign Language Teachers Association (website)
California Association of the Deaf, San Diego chapter (Blog)
California Association of the Deaf (Website)
Deaf Community Service, San Diego (Website)
Pah! Line, Custom Screen Printing Services (Website)
Note: Transcript coming soon.
(3:39 minutes) Video hosted by
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Mainsparis’ vlog (LSF Vlogger: Bruno Moncelle) INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE DEAF
Ella Mae Lentz’s vlog: September 29, 2007 Take Action!
(Jon put black shirt on)
Now, I felt something by wear this black shirt. It made me feel morosely and fell apart by limited on sign language. I can see most of deaf people were dissuaded to have a deaf community in my hometown. That’s depressing for me and I understand why I’m wearing this black shirt. I do understand what audism have done to the deaf people and me for a long time. Also, we have experienced in our journey through a rough road as we searched a better place for all of us. I would like to have International Deaf and Sign Language Day to be visualized all the way around the world that is unity. We are able to accept by digging up in our souls to see on our hands and spirits to be united. All of us can understand better and then we could chant before by 4 PM as we show to the world that Deaf people want to see Audism to stop now. We can inspire ourselves to use sign language for socializing and communicating. How?
(Jon took black shirt off)
Now, I could visualize in sign language as colorful. Now, I’m wondering if we could make it happen. YES! Here,
I want to make a suggestion about selling t shirts with designs included the definition of the word, AUDISM on the rear of tee. We would like to support Deaf Bilingual Coalition (DBC) for having a special guest, who would give out a presentation to our hometown. The special guest can inform people with deaf children that American Sign Language is a successful language for deaf people to use for their communication and social skills. Also, ASL will improve their English writing skills as well. I would love to spread the words out in my hometown, deaf people, and deaf community.
Want to join us to have a celebration on International Deaf and Sign Language Day?
(2:14 minutes) Video hosted by
I’m Jamie Gould and I am your Co-Chair for Deaf Awareness Day Event (DAD)
DCS is hosting the annual DAD to raise funds for the services for deaf and hard of hearing clients. Also, to raise awareness to Public about resources available for the deaf and HoH community in SD county.
DAD is great opportunity to get resources for the Deaf Hearing community. We will have booth, entertainment, raffle ticket, and children’s activities. We will have food, drink, and snacks to sell. This place is where you can have a lot of fun to meet new and old faces because this only happen once a year! Let’s spread the words and come to celebrate the Deaf Awareness Day!
Deaf Awareness Day Committee and I would like to invite you to Deaf Awareness Day.
When: Sept. 29th
Time: 9am to 5pm
You can look at Deaf Community Services website. to get information about the prices of the ticket and how you can buy the ticket.