The family’s 1st vlog (ASL & OC)

(1:08 minutes) Video hosted by

My kids, wife, and I went to La Jolla Shores today after work and we played in the warm water with cool weather. My daughter, Renny tells on vlog that she exciting to going to KODAWest 2nd Annual Day at the Beach in Huntington Beach this Saturday, August 18th.

Click on link: KODAWest

Will we see you there?


The Savages

Richard Roehm and I had conversation about DBC

I’m pleased to share with you as for deaf community from what Richard Roehm, Chief Executive Officer of Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center and I had conversation about “My thoughts of Deaf Bilingual Coalition (ASL VLOG)” on I would be interesting about your thoughts to share with us as for our deaf community.

Richard Roehm’s YouTube username is Nesmuth and my YouTube username is jonLenois.

Nesmuth: Theres no such thing as deaf bilingual coalition. Where’s the bilingual part? Its all ASL talk.

JonLenois: There are transcripts next to video. Thank you for your concern. I tend not to do transcript but for this one is good sample of bilingual.

Nesmuth: No it is not. Bilingual means in this case, oral people and total communication users.

JonLenois: I’m suggesting you check out dictionary. I pulled the info for you to read this. Here, Bilingual: spoken, written, or containing similar information in two different languages.

If you are talks about total communication user then it’s called simultaneous communication. Here, simultaneous: Happening, existing, or done at the same time.

Nesmuth: ASL and written English are not two different languages. Your kinds are already making a big thing out of using ASL to teach babies English. That dont make these two different languages.

JonLenois: I would agree with you if you talk about Signing Exact English (SEE) and English written that are not two different languages. A Hearing and deaf baby are recommend to learn ASL that is increases the speed of spoken language development. ASL enables the easier acquisition of English.

That’s why deaf people need conceive from a language that not requires sounds (voices).The language of English is demand to have sound included as difficult for deaf people to have cogent to people.

The major reason for Deaf Bilingual Coalition to development to allow deaf people learn American Sign Language that is way deaf people could expressing their thoughts through visual in communication. ASL is teaches well to translating to English language in written skills.

Signews newspapers mention that 80% of USA is recognizing ASL is foreign language for Colleges and Universities.

My thoughts of Deaf Bilingual Coalition (ASL VLOG)

(3:07 minutes) Video hosted by
Click this for view at YouTube



I want to share with you that I have been watching the Deaf Bilingual Coalition through vlogs, blogs, and emails. I was very interested to see how they have prepared to have a protest at Alexander Graham Bell Association Conference. I was concerned about their preparation until DBC explained of their preparation of the protest. I was convinced to see in DBC group, the people were intelligent and diplomatic who are leadership and appropriate.

I’m impressed with David Eberwein who has courage to fly and join the protest all the way from Bay area to VA. It was good to see DBC that has a National Association of the Deaf (NAD) lawyer who is involved and has the knowledge of legal. Also, I’m impressed with John Egbert’s and Barb Digi’s explanation of the preparation with DBC very well in their blog and vlog plus several people sent me emails.

I got goose bumps when I learn about the incident with Barb DiGi, her daughter Brianna, Raychelle Harris, and Adrian Mack. The hotel staff dealt with them by an inappropriate behavior. I was very pleased to know that those DBC groups stayed strong and believe in them at the same time. They keep up with their gentle attitudes. DBC does appreciate me enough for me to join their group!

Their information and experiences gave me some kind of empowerment as much I would like to do something about this situation. I can see there are only way to have a talk to people about it after I was pleased have them shared of their experience that gave me to contemplate for DBC.

I wanted to print out the flyers from Amy Cohen Efron’s blog and Maureen “Moe” Klusza’s cartoon (The Greatest Irony: Deaf Baby Cuffed, Hearing Baby learns ASL) on Raychelle’s blog. That way I can pass out the flyers to people at the La Jolla Shores beach ( I was surprised that most of my friends already aware of it. At same time, I was impressed with them that they have been keeping up with vblogs! So, we had a great conversation at the beach and we were agreed with DBC that they were doing an excellent job. We understood the greatest irony: Audio Verbal Therapy (AVT) forbids signing for Deaf babies while okay for hearing baby learn American Sign Language (ASL)! I’m very pleased to see people who acknowledged and supported DBC!

If AgBAD is considered to have a conference in San Diego then I’m ready to join DBC!

Cochlear implants in SickO the movie! (ASL VLOG)

(2:16 minutes) Video hosted by

This afternoon, I decided to read the People magazine (issued 7/23/07) and I was so interested reading the article about Michael Moore‘s film Sicko has stirred debate on health care in America. These families thought they were protected by insurance – until they needed help the most. I read through until Annette Noe’s father’s complaint that she did not get the cochlear implants by both ears at the same time. I was surprised that Doug gave a strong statement without make a judgment on the Deaf community. The statement was, “How can anybody deny treatment for a child with disabilities?” asks her father. “In this country?”

I would like to ask questions for the Noe Family. Do they have any knowledge about American Sign Language? Have they look up on the internet about deaf? Now, I do have a question for National Association of the Deaf. Have NAD done this kind of situation before? How can you provide information about deaf community to a hearing parent with a deaf child? I would like to ask the same question for Michael Moore!


(2:15 minutes) Video hosted by

This is my first ASL poetry vlog; I have created this poetry for one month. Also, I did on purpose to produce a film in black and white as symbol of yin yang. The big picture is showed as being a deaf as Deafhood welcomes all deaf people to sign or not!

This video is recommend for people, who understand ASL. It is not necessary to have subtitles.

Enjoy this vlog!

JON 1st anniversary

Happy anniversary to!


I couldn’t believe that I have done blog and vlog for one year already! I would love to share with you about my experience that 17 vlogs were impacted on After you watched this vlog then there are 17 links that you can check out plus there are special features as special thanks to assistants, bloppers, and behind scenes.

Enjoy them ALL!

(3:29 minutes) Video hosted by

Special Features
Special thanks to Eric Calbert, Jared Evans, and Matt Ellis
(2:06 minutes) Video hosted by

#1 5/31/06, First Video on the internet

#2 6/16/06, Became the vlogger

#3 7/13/06, First post on

#4 7/15/06, L3nois’ best vlog of 2006

#5 8/20/06, Bye , Hello

#6 10/6/06, First advertise for CAD

#7 10/26/06, 20 vlogs from digital camera then switched to Mini-DV

#8 10/30/06, First commercial

#9 11/14/06, Jared Evans & Matt Ellis were my first assistants for “My First exposure to ASL”

#10 11/25/06, “Street Interview” at Deaf Awareness Day, San Diego, CA

#11 12/5/06, Won for best concept of vlog contest!

#12 12/5/06, First Vlog without use ASL or face!

#13 1/28/07, First Vlog by outside!

#14 2/3/07, First Newspaper, front page!

#15 3/11/07, “Can a deaf person deliver pizzas?” was posted on

#16 4/2/07, First Vlog away from home

#17 4/29/07, First job opening announcement on vlog

Have you use digital camera for VLOG? (ASL VLOG)

Here, sample of vlog that used by digital camera! Also, it’s awesome to have it in my pocket then I can travel anywhere without have to hold or carry it!

Here, information about this camera: Canon Powershot SD750 (7.1 mega pixels)

This video clip was edited


(:58 minutes) Video hosted by

This video clip is not edit. Also, this camera transferred to computer by USB direct.


(:42 minutes) Video hosted by

My daughter feed to this bird with something in the cup. I took this picture while at San Diego’s wild animal park in May, 2007. Also, this picture took by same digital camera!

That’s Lenois and mini-Lenois!

Q&A: Why or what do we sign for “VLOG” and “BLOG”(ASL VLOG)

Here, xrzyclradogal2 questioned about sign for “vlog” and “blog” in her vlog:

Go to YouTube (ASL VLOG)

Here, my answered to her:

Go to YouTube (ASL VLOG)

My thought about Mosdeux Film: A Permanent Grave (ASL VLOG)

I would suggest you watch this Mosdeux: A Permanent Grave first before watch this vlog!

There were 6 part of story in 6 different locations with DeafNation Expo until the story was complete. I have been watched all of them at expos!!

Kudos to Chad W. Taylor & Wayne Betts, Jr., Mosdeux cast, & member crew !!


(3:26 minutes) Video hosted by

Trade Vlogs (ASL VLOG)


(1:21 minutes) Video hosted by

I have receive email from Frank Germinaro Jr. that he would like to use my metaphor on this clip “What would the deaf community desire?” for his project of M.A.T. ASL/English Bilingual Deaf Education at Gallaudet University.

Frank and I traded vlogs that are excellent idea. How? He post my vlog on his blog then I post his vlog on my blog!

So, I’m suggesting anyone, who are consider to trade with someone else’s vlog . WHY NOT!
