I’m pleased to share with you as for deaf community from what Richard Roehm, Chief Executive Officer of Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center and I had conversation about “My thoughts of Deaf Bilingual Coalition (ASL VLOG)” on YouTube.com. I would be interesting about your thoughts to share with us as for our deaf community.
Richard Roehm’s YouTube username is Nesmuth and my YouTube username is jonLenois.
Nesmuth: Theres no such thing as deaf bilingual coalition. Where’s the bilingual part? Its all ASL talk.
JonLenois: There are transcripts next to video. Thank you for your concern. I tend not to do transcript but for this one is good sample of bilingual.
Nesmuth: No it is not. Bilingual means in this case, oral people and total communication users.
JonLenois: I’m suggesting you check out dictionary. I pulled the info for you to read this. Here, Bilingual: spoken, written, or containing similar information in two different languages.
If you are talks about total communication user then it’s called simultaneous communication. Here, simultaneous: Happening, existing, or done at the same time.
Nesmuth: ASL and written English are not two different languages. Your kinds are already making a big thing out of using ASL to teach babies English. That dont make these two different languages.
JonLenois: I would agree with you if you talk about Signing Exact English (SEE) and English written that are not two different languages. A Hearing and deaf baby are recommend to learn ASL that is increases the speed of spoken language development. ASL enables the easier acquisition of English.
That’s why deaf people need conceive from a language that not requires sounds (voices).The language of English is demand to have sound included as difficult for deaf people to have cogent to people.
The major reason for Deaf Bilingual Coalition to development to allow deaf people learn American Sign Language that is way deaf people could expressing their thoughts through visual in communication. ASL is teaches well to translating to English language in written skills.
Signews newspapers mention that 80% of USA is recognizing ASL is foreign language for Colleges and Universities.