First business video on Oct. 21, 2009
First business video on Oct. 21, 2009
Hey all! Join the competition for a chance to win cash prizes. Show us
your magic.
Video opens with a red television-like border and “art asl video” above two white triangles representing the letter A and V with an one-eyed hand in the middle. Below reads “awards 2019”.
(TV SNOW) Header is followed by a video of two young people at a park.
The female taps the male and tells him she has an idea.
The male asks what the idea is.
She suggests that they make a short video.
He agrees and says sure.
She with a big smile grabs her smartphone out of her pocket. We get a sneak peek of them recording each other signing in ASL. Signs for “CHAMP” and “BEAUTIFUL” are seen. They regroup to review their work. You can see their work done in black and white on her phone.
Clip transits with TV “snow” and then the red tv-like border again with words in black and white explaining that you have until May 15, 2019 to submit your artwork to www.artaslvideo.com. (TV SNOW) The screening and awards will take place during the biannual ASLTA Conference at the Grand Manchester Hyatt on July 1, 2019. See www.aslta2019.com for more information.
(TV SNOW) AAVA is sponsored and made possible by ASLTA So-Cal, Eyeth Entertainment, and CAD. AAVA is produced by Lenois Productions. (TV SNOW) The video ends with the AAVA red hand winking at you.
#Deafeducation #Deafecosystem #Deafcommunity #Deafculture #Deaf#ASL #AmericanSignLangauge #shortfilm #DeafTalent #videoart#artaslvideo
More info about cruise at (click here)
SLS (Sign Language Script) – Click here to watch the video
(6 videos – 24 minutes)
The BizGenius Youth Camp at Gallaudet University for young Deaf entrepreneurs in the 9th to 11th grades.
The webisode is created by BizGenius Youth Camp.
webisode 1: Opening Ceremony
webisode 2: Day 1: Think and Act Like Entrepreneur
webisode 3: Day 2: INNOVATION
webisode 4: Day 3: Marketing
webisode 5: Day 4: Media
webisode 6: Day 5: The Spotlight
Sofia Seitchik (Global Deaf Women) – Camp Director
Travis Dougherty (DeafTV) – Creative Assistant Director
Irina M. Normatov – Camp Activity Coordinator
Jon Savage (Lenois Productions) – Video Producer
Noelle Bell (Buzzworthy Social Media) – Social Media Consultant
Tayla Newman – Reporter
Re-visit What’s RSS that I was explaining about it on July 24, 2006. I would suggest you click this video “What’s RSS (ASL VLOG)” then watch this vlog.
Tags: igoogle, blogline, deaf community, ASL, American Sign Language, News
(1:25 minutes) Video hosted by videoserver.us
No Transcript at this time…
Tags: Trip, Vlog, Treo 755p, laptop, Bluetooth, PAM (Phone as Modem)
(4:22 minutes) Video hosted by videoserver.us
No Transcript at this time…
Tags: DeafNation, VPAD, Blackberry, Pomona, 4/12/08
Here, sample of vlog that used by digital camera! Also, it’s awesome to have it in my pocket then I can travel anywhere without have to hold or carry it!
Here, information about this camera: Canon Powershot SD750 (7.1 mega pixels)
This video clip was edited
(:58 minutes) Video hosted by videoserver.us
This video clip is not edit. Also, this camera transferred to computer by USB direct.
(:42 minutes) Video hosted by videoserver.us
My daughter feed to this bird with something in the cup. I took this picture while at San Diego’s wild animal park in May, 2007. Also, this picture took by same digital camera!
That’s Lenois and mini-Lenois!
I’m sure you have read about RSS, if you don’t understand the concept of RSS?
Then let me explain what RSS is in ASL version. When you come in any website, if you have more than one website that are your favorite. You will see an orange box that says RSS & XML.
When you come in www.bloglines.com, register your information and subscribe your favorite website on the list. When I have the time to check bloglines.com to see if one of my favorite websites have a new post. I can click it and it will go directly to the website. It will save a lot of your time.
When you see any deaf blogs or vlogs, they have ready for you to go to deafread.com. Since they are already screened by them. They have information regarding to topics related to deaf.
It will save your time after you would enjoy reading Deafread.com that has many interested topics in one place.
Also, Good tips about RSS:
How to read DeafRead with a RSS Reader By Jared Evans
Time to try RSS Reader By Grant W. Laird, Jr.
RSS is a family of web feed formats By Wikipedia®