Tag Archive for ASL

Shamrocks for KODAs – 2016

Poker Charity in San Diego, CA.
March 12, 2016

More info at [Click here]

Video by Lenois Productions

The Noblest Gift by Douglas Ridloff

Published on Aug 13, 2015
Homage to George Veditz.

Video by Lenois Productions

Brushes Over Spoons: A Celebration of Deaf Artists

***Video Translation***
Hello everyone! Do you Love art? I do too! My name is Claudia and I want to announce an amazing event! We will be hosting a gallery with Deaf Artists from all over. You are welcome to come check out the art, meet and talk with the artists, some pieces will even be for sale! Come check it out!

Here we are at Feast On This where Chef Matthew Baker will be creating incredible food art for you to taste! All the money we earn will go towards the #DeafHeart Project; which seeks to support Deaf business owners and families by providing interpreters for weddings, funerals, and a variety of other settings. Deaf Community! Come support us here!
Hmm… I’m going to take a peek! Hey! If you’re coming we will see you there! September 22 come on!

Purchase tickets by September 14 at info@feastonthis.com
or https://www.eventbrite.com/e/brushes-over-spoons-tickets-18620677949

Video by Lenois Productions

2015 CAD Conference in San Diego!

Published on Sep 14, 2015
Tour with Jesse as he shows the locations where we will gather for the conference! Register at http://www.cad1906.org/register

Video by Lenois Productions

KODAWest: Planting the Seeds for Tomorrow

“She told me that I was a KODA, and that was all I needed to hear. I had a name for my ‘in between’. I had an identity. I was born to a Deaf couple, and my ears could hear–I was born again at the age of 15-‘KODA’ That’s who I am”. -Vanessa M., Camp Counselor

Since its founding in 2005, KODAWest, a non-profit, 501 (c) 3 organization, has served thousands of families regionally and nationally by providing an annual camp for over 100 KODA (Kids of Deaf Adults)campers, with a staff of 35 CODAs (Child of Deaf Adults), as well as year-round events for families. To be a part of this award-winning organization and carry on its mission to serve hearing children with parent/s who are deaf, the gift of your donation will go a long way in ensuring that KODAWest continues to provide a place for these KODAs.

Please donate at:


Written & directed by Lauren Maucere
Filmed by Jon-Lenois Savage
Edited by Wayne Betts & the Convo Team
Music by Len Savage

With special thanks to:

Lisa Chahayed
Kavita Papilla
Maisha Franklin
Erin Oleson
John Maucere
Manny Johnson
& all the families involved in this project.

Thank you – Holiday Hop & Gift List

Becoming a Social Media Savvy Workshop

JonSavage-Social Media Savvy

More info about cruise at (click here)

BizGenius Youth Camp 2014: Webisodes


(6 videos – 24 minutes)

The BizGenius Youth Camp at Gallaudet University for young Deaf entrepreneurs in the 9th to 11th grades.

The webisode is created by BizGenius Youth Camp.
webisode 1: Opening Ceremony
webisode 2: Day 1: Think and Act Like Entrepreneur
webisode 3: Day 2: INNOVATION
webisode 4: Day 3: Marketing
webisode 5: Day 4: Media
webisode 6: Day 5: The Spotlight

Sofia Seitchik (Global Deaf Women) – Camp Director
Travis Dougherty (DeafTV) – Creative Assistant Director
Irina M. Normatov – Camp Activity Coordinator
Jon Savage (Lenois Productions) – Video Producer
Noelle Bell (Buzzworthy Social Media) – Social Media Consultant
Tayla Newman – Reporter


Personalized Portrait Art

Introduction of the personalized portrait art

Transcript available [Click here]

Commercial of The Personalized Photo Art Process – 30 seconds

The Personalized Photo Art Process
1. Place your order of one or more photos.
2. You will review and approve.
3. Within two weeks you will receive your artwork.

Simple as that!
You can place your order at http://jonsavagegallery.com/product/personalized-potrait/

The Short film: Have a heart

The short film got selected for Lavender Carpet Film Festival!

What’s Lavender Carpet Film Festival?

DeafHope is excited to launch a new idea for our annual Glimmer of Hope event which will take place on February 22, 2014. We are going Hollywood in the form of a film festival! The theme is “Lavender Carpet Film Festival 2014: Lights, Camera, Activism!” featuring a series of community-based Public Service Announcements (PSA). Join us for delicious appetizers served throughout the evening, good friends and inspiring conversation about how we can change our community.

DeafHope is inviting filmmakers across the nation and around the world to submit short feature films, documentaries, film shorts, animation, and experimental works. Accepted films produced by Domestic Violence/Sexual Violence agencies and community allies will be eligible for category-specific Audience’s Choice Awards.


“Have a heart”

Written by Holly & Jon Savage
Director, video and edited by Jon Savage
lighting grip – Brad Cohen

Husband – Eric Calbert
Wife – Marla Marks
Heart Man – Alexander Zernovoj